Pages Tagged with #atheism

Pages tagged with atheism or atheist.

Main page:

Atheism and Secularism

Human Truth Foundation pages (129):

Atheist Religions, in the following sections:

Anti-Religious Forces: Specific Factors Fuelling Secularisation, in the following sections:

The Universe Could Not Have Been Created by God: The Failure of First Cause Arguments, in the following sections:

Pascal's Wager is Safer in Reverse: Picking a Religion is Dangerous Business, in the following sections:

Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals?, in the following sections:

Agnosticism, in the following sections:

Humanism, in the following sections:

The History of Atheism, in the following sections:

Institutionalized Religions Have Their Numbers Inflated by National Polls, in the following sections:

God is Logically Impossible: The Argument for Atheism from Incoherence, in the following sections:

Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action: Biblical Morals and Social Disaster, in the following sections:

Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much, in the following sections:

The Argument that Everything Needs a Creator, Therefore God Exists as the First Cause, in the following sections:

The Assumptions about God and Creation, of Both Theists and Atheists, in the following sections:

Religion and Intelligence, in the following sections:

Buddhism is an Atheist Religion, in the following sections:

Mass Education Versus Religion, in the following sections:

Secularisation Theory: Will Modern Society Reject Religion? What is Secularism?, in the following sections:

Winterval and Political Correctness Gone Mad: The Invented Attempt to Replace Christmas in the UK, in the following sections:

Taoism / Daoism, in the following sections:

Jainism, in the following sections:

How Religious is Each Country? Which Regions of the World are Least Religious?, in the following sections:

Judaism, in the following sections:

Christianity and Marriage, in the following sections:

Science and Religion, in the following sections:

Blasphemy in Pakistan, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Secular Morals: Ethics Without Religion or Faith, in the following sections:

Pantheism, in the following sections:

Fundamentalism and Literalism in World Religions, in the following sections:

Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism, in the following sections:

Imagine There's No Heaven, in the following sections:

Freethought - Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Religion, in the following sections:

Jamaica, in the following sections:

The Book of Psalms, Number 14, in the following sections:

What Causes Religion and Superstitions?, in the following sections:

Religion in the UK's Armed Forces

Counter-Cultural and Alternative New Religious Movements: 4. Satanism and Left Hand Path Religions

Why Question Beliefs? Dangers of Placing Ideas Beyond Doubt, and Advantages of Freethought: 1.3. Faith: Why Religious Beliefs Are so Vehemently Defended

Human Religions

Theological Problems with Heaven, Paradise and Nirvana: 3. Aiming for Heaven (Pascal's Wager)

Modern Paganism (Neopaganism)

God and Goodness: Can a Perfectly Benevolent God Exist?: 4. Right and Wrong

Fundamentalist Judaism and Jewish Terrorism: 2. Israeli Jewish Terrorism

The Islamic Religion is Often Mixed With Cultural Practices

Christianity and Women: Biblical Misogyny and Male Dominance: 4.2. Christian Divorce Rates, Marital Problems and Wifebeating

The Mystical Number 7

The Internet and Religion: 1. The Internet is Bad For Religion

Proverbs Chapter 6: 3.0. Proverbs 6:20-35 - Warnings against those who commit adultery

The New Age

Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Criticisms of Buddhism: Its History, Doctrine and Common Practices

Cultural Religion Versus Scholarly Religion: 4.1. Magic as a Grassroots Phenomenon

Single God Religions (Monotheism)

Religion in the United Kingdom: Diversity, Trends and Decline: 6.4. Satanists

Faith Schools in the UK: 2.1. Idealism

Pride and Ego as a Cause of Religion: 1. Is Atheism Caused by Pride? By Brian Holtz

The True Meaning of Christmas: Paganism, Sun Worship and Commercialism: 4.2. Winterval: The UK Controversy Invented by Cheap Newspapers Such as The Daily Mail

Give to Charity Directly, Not to Church: 4. Motivations Behind Charitable Work

Ontological Argument for God (Descartes & Anselm)

The False and Conflicting Experiences of Mankind: How Other Peoples' Experience Contradict Our Own Beliefs: 4. Cultural Beliefs and Expectations Inform Experiences

Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam: 2. Ancient Greece

The Peacock vs. the Ostrich - Religious Behaviour and Sexuality: 5. Case Study: Christianity


The Bane of Monotheism: Against Single-God Religions

Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger: 7. Free Speech Versus Muslim Outrage: Theo van Gogh, Danish cartoons and Salman Rushdie (2006)

Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love: 10. Hitler's Germany

Satan and The Devil in World Religions: 4. Who Believes? The Slow Demise of Satan: Satan is Not Universal, Not Everywhere

Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues

What is Science and the Scientific Method?: 1.5. Occam's Razor: Simplicity & Fewer Assumptions are Better

Altruism is an Illusion: 3.4. Aiming for Heaven

Religious Education in UK Schools: 3. Humanism, Agnosticism and Atheism


The Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th Centuries: 2.5. Explicit Atheism

The Yezidis / Yazidis: Persecution Amidst Claims of Devil Worship

Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion

Religion in Europe: 2. Religion and Belief in God in Europe as a Whole

Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

Hallucinations, Sensory Deprivation and Fasting: The Physiological Causes of Religious and Mystical Experiences: 3. Artificially Inducing Mystical Experiences of God

Different Types of Atheism and Atheist Beliefs

Non-Religious Secular Jews (Cultural Judaism)

Mass Media: Sensationalism, Panics and Exaggeration: 7. Winterval - An Invented Attempt to Replace Christmas

Pastafarianism (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)

Why Are There So Many Religious People? Parents, Local Culture and Inertia: 3. Inertia

Islam and Antisemitism: High Rates of Muslim Racism Against Jews: 2. The Sources of Antisemitism


What are the Vedic Faiths?


Human Rights and Freedom in Indonesia: 5. Freedom of Belief and Religion

Human Rights and Freedom in Jordan: 5. Freedom of Belief and Religion

Human Rights and Freedom in Malaysia: 5. Freedom of Belief and Religion

Human Rights and Freedom in Saudi Arabia

Human Rights and Freedom in Tunisia: 5. Freedom of Belief and Religion

Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey: 5. Freedom of Belief and Religion

Fearing God: 3. Does Fear Get You to Heaven?

Human Rights and Freedom in Jamaica

Social Identity as a Propagator of Religion: 4. When Religion is Tied With Communal Identity, True Believers are Difficult to Count

The Causes of Religion: National Under-Development and Poor Social Stability: 4. Poor Education Encourages Religion

Religion in China: 3. Taoism / Daoism

The Food Chain and God: 2. The Despair of Darwin

Christianity: The Bible Teachings on Those Who Believe Wrongly: 3. Pascal's Wager is Safer in Reverse: Picking a Religion is Dangerous Business


The Bahá'í Faith



Modern Druids (Neo-Druidism / Neo-Druidry)

The Al-Muwaḥḥidūn (Druze)

Eckankar: The Religion of the Light and Sound of God, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel

The United States of America

The Jedi Knight Religion, Inspired by Star Wars (Jediism)





The Anthropic Coincidences: Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life?: 4. Scientific Support for the Idea that the Laws of Physics Mean Life Must Appear

Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion Based on Witchcraft

When Human Religions Meet Intelligent Alien Life: 3. There are Already Some Alien-Centered Religions, and Universalist Religions Cope Quite Well With ETI

Happiness and Religion: Does Belief Make You Happy Or Does Unhappiness Make You Believe?

Afghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan)

Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti)

Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt)

Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia)

Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)

Palestine (Occupied Palestinian Territory)

A List of All Religions and Belief Systems



An introduction to Vodun, or Voodoo

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (9):

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