Main page:
Human ReligionsHuman Truth Foundation pages (537):
What Causes Religion and Superstitions?, in the following sections:
Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much, in the following sections:
Prayer in Religion, in the following sections:
How Religious is Each Country? Which Regions of the World are Least Religious?, in the following sections:
The Peacock vs. the Ostrich - Religious Behaviour and Sexuality, in the following sections:
Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals?, in the following sections:
The Assumptions about God and Creation, of Both Theists and Atheists, in the following sections:
The Mystical Number 7, in the following sections:
Why Question Beliefs? Dangers of Placing Ideas Beyond Doubt, and Advantages of Freethought, in the following sections:
Religious Extremism, in the following sections:
Anti-Religious Forces: Specific Factors Fuelling Secularisation, in the following sections:
God is Logically Impossible: The Argument for Atheism from Incoherence, in the following sections:
Causes of Belief in the Afterlife and Differences Across Religions and Cultures, in the following sections:
Religion in Europe, in the following sections:
Science and Religion, in the following sections:
Is the Christian God Evil? Evidence from Scripture and Nature, in the following sections:
Atheism and Secularism, in the following sections:
Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide, in the following sections:
Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action: Biblical Morals and Social Disaster, in the following sections:
Fundamentalism and Literalism in World Religions, in the following sections:
Secularisation Theory: Will Modern Society Reject Religion? What is Secularism?, in the following sections:
Counter-Cultural and Alternative New Religious Movements, in the following sections:
Simple Answers in a Complex and Uncertain World: What Causes Religion?, in the following sections:
The Four Dimensions and the Immutability of God, in the following sections:
Marriage: Its Diversity and Character, in the following sections:
Natural Evil such as Earthquakes: Evidence That God is Not Good, in the following sections:
Modern Paganism (Neopaganism), in the following sections:
Why Are There So Many Religious People? Parents, Local Culture and Inertia, in the following sections:
Freethought - Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Religion, in the following sections:
The Christian Dark Ages of Europe, in the following sections:
Theological Problems with Heaven, Paradise and Nirvana, in the following sections:
Religion in the United Kingdom: Diversity, Trends and Decline, in the following sections:
Religion and Intelligence, in the following sections:
Souls do not Exist: Evidence from Science & Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism, in the following sections:
When Human Religions Meet Intelligent Alien Life, in the following sections:
Religion Versus Womankind, in the following sections:
Experiences of God are Illusions, Derived from Malfunctioning Psychological Processes, in the following sections:
Social Identity as a Propagator of Religion, in the following sections:
Jesus Did Not Exist, in the following sections:
Homocentricity or Anthropocentrism: Why Do Religions Think Humanity Is Central to God and Creation?, in the following sections:
Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life, in the following sections:
Religion as the Result of Human Mythmaking, in the following sections:
Is God All-Powerful? Can God or Anything Truly Be Omnipotent?, in the following sections:
Legislation and Faith: Religious Rights and Religious Wrongs, in the following sections:
Why Did Some People in the Bible Live So Long?, in the following sections:
What is Religion? How Do You Define Religion?, in the following sections:
The Causes of Religion: National Under-Development and Poor Social Stability, in the following sections:
God's Methods of Communication: Universal Truth Versus Hebrew and Arabic, in the following sections:
Errors in Thinking: Cognitive Errors, Wishful Thinking and Sacred Truths, in the following sections:
God and Goodness: Can a Perfectly Benevolent God Exist?, in the following sections:
Buddhism, in the following sections:
Monotheism and Free Will: God, Determinism and Fate, in the following sections:
Prayer is Pointless, Except as Meditation, in the following sections:
Atheist Religions, in the following sections:
The Universe Could Not Have Been Created by God: The Failure of First Cause Arguments, in the following sections:
Why do People Join New Religious Movements?, in the following sections:
Is Free Will the Reason God Allows Evil and Suffering?, in the following sections:
Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism, in the following sections:
The False and Conflicting Experiences of Mankind: How Other Peoples' Experience Contradict Our Own Beliefs, in the following sections:
Does Praying for Someone Work?, in the following sections:
Panama (Republic of Panama), in the following sections:
Niger (Republic of Niger), in the following sections:
Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria), in the following sections:
Paraguay (Republic of Paraguay), in the following sections:
Nicaragua (Republic of Nicaragua), in the following sections:
Peru (Republic of Peru), in the following sections:
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan), in the following sections:
Philippines (Republic of the Philippines), in the following sections:
Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands), in the following sections:
Poland (Republic of Poland), in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries in the Middle East?, in the following sections:
The Anthropic Coincidences: Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life?, in the following sections:
Ireland, in the following sections:
Israel (State of Israel), in the following sections:
Italy (Italian Republic), in the following sections:
Japan, in the following sections:
Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan), in the following sections:
Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan), in the following sections:
Kenya (Republic of Kenya), in the following sections:
Korea, South (Republic of Korea), in the following sections:
Malaysia, in the following sections:
Latvia (Republic of Latvia), in the following sections:
Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique), in the following sections:
Lebanon (Lebanese Republic), in the following sections:
Liberia (Republic of Liberia), in the following sections:
Lithuania (Republic of Lithuania), in the following sections:
Portugal (Portuguese Republic), in the following sections:
Mali (Republic of Mali), in the following sections:
Mexico (United Mexican States), in the following sections:
Moldova (Republic of Moldova), in the following sections:
Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco), in the following sections:
Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic), in the following sections:
Norway, in the following sections:
Chad (Republic of Chad), in the following sections:
Zambia (Republic of Zambia), in the following sections:
Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico), in the following sections:
Palestine (Occupied Palestinian Territory), in the following sections:
Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries?, in the following sections:
Kosovo, in the following sections:
Tajikistan (Republic of Tajikistan), in the following sections:
Finland, in the following sections:
Uzbekistan (Republic of Uzbekistan), in the following sections:
Denmark, in the following sections:
Satanism, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Small Island Nations?, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries in The Americas?, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries in Asia?, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries in Africa?, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries in Europe?, in the following sections:
Sweden, in the following sections:
Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania), in the following sections:
Russia (Russian Federation), in the following sections:
Rwanda (Republic of Rwanda), in the following sections:
Scandinavia, the Crown of Civilisation:Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, in the following sections:
Senegal (Republic of Senegal), in the following sections:
Slovakia (Slovak Republic), in the following sections:
South Africa (Republic of South Africa), in the following sections:
Spain (Kingdom of Spain), in the following sections:
Iraq (Republic of Iraq), in the following sections:
Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam), in the following sections:
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela), in the following sections:
Tunisia (Tunisian Republic), in the following sections:
Turkey (Republic of Turkey), in the following sections:
Uganda (Republic of Uganda), in the following sections:
Which are the Best Caribbean Countries?, in the following sections:
Ukraine, in the following sections:
Uruguay (Oriental Republic of Uruguay), in the following sections:
Romania, in the following sections:
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation), in the following sections:
The New Age, in the following sections:
Afghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan), in the following sections:
Pantheism, in the following sections:
Religious Clothing and Symbols in Secular Democracies, in the following sections:
Organized Coverups of Sexual Child Abuse by Priests, Clergy and Christian Institutions, in the following sections:
Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in the following sections:
Humanism, in the following sections:
Fundamentalist Judaism and Jewish Terrorism, in the following sections:
Islam and Women, in the following sections:
Abortion, Birth Control and Contraception, in the following sections:
The Internet and Religion, in the following sections:
Hot Topics in Human Sexuality, in the following sections:
Agnosticism, in the following sections:
Animism, in the following sections:
The Bahá'í Faith, in the following sections:
Eckankar: The Religion of the Light and Sound of God, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel, in the following sections:
Hinduism, in the following sections:
Shamanism, in the following sections:
Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion Based on Witchcraft, in the following sections:
Colombia (Republic of Colombia), in the following sections:
Multiculturalism, Globalisation and Religion, in the following sections:
Types of Christianity in History: Who Were the First Christians?, in the following sections:
United Kingdom: National Successes and Social Failures, in the following sections:
The United States of America, in the following sections:
Ethics Of Reciprocity like the Golden Rule and the Wiccan Rede Do Not Work, in the following sections:
Infanticide and Heaven: Killing Babies for God, in the following sections:
Pride and Ego as a Cause of Religion, in the following sections:
God Does Not Need Prayer, Prophets, Souls, Evangelists Nor Religion, in the following sections:
God and Pronouns: God has No Gender, in the following sections:
Pascal's Wager is Safer in Reverse: Picking a Religion is Dangerous Business, in the following sections:
Nothing New: Religions Evolve From Previous Religions, in the following sections:
The Crucifixion Facade, in the following sections:
Albania (Republic of Albania), in the following sections:
Christian Universalism in Matthew and Luke: Parables of the Vineyard Workers and the Lost Sheep, in the following sections:
God Has No Free Will, in the following sections:
Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love, in the following sections:
Why God Created Evil: The Absence of Good?, in the following sections:
God Never Needs to Test Us, in the following sections:
Universalism: If there is a Good God, Everyone Must Go to Heaven, in the following sections:
The Illusion of Choice: Free Will and Determinism, in the following sections:
Mass Belief and the False Consensus Effect: Everyone Believes It So It Must Be True!, in the following sections:
If I was God, What Would I Do?, in the following sections:
Georgia (Republic of Georgia), in the following sections:
Happiness and Religion: Does Belief Make You Happy Or Does Unhappiness Make You Believe?, in the following sections:
Czech Republic, in the following sections:
Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti), in the following sections:
Dominican Republic, in the following sections:
Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador), in the following sections:
Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt), in the following sections:
El Salvador (Republic of El Salvador), in the following sections:
Estonia (Republic of Estonia), in the following sections:
Costa Rica (Republic of Costa Rica), in the following sections:
France (French Republic), in the following sections:
Congo, DR (Democratic Republic of the Congo), in the following sections:
Germany (Federal Republic of Germany), in the following sections:
Ghana (Republic of Ghana), in the following sections:
Greece (Hellenic Republic), in the following sections:
Guatemala (Republic of Guatemala), in the following sections:
Guinea-Bissau (Republic of Guinea-Bissau), in the following sections:
Honduras (Republic of Honduras), in the following sections:
Hungary (Republic of Hungary), in the following sections:
Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia), in the following sections:
Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia), in the following sections:
Bosnia & Herzegovina, in the following sections:
Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of Algeria), in the following sections:
Argentina (Argentine Republic), in the following sections:
Armenia (Republic of Armenia), in the following sections:
Australia (Commonwealth of Australia), in the following sections:
Austria (Republic of Austria), in the following sections:
Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan), in the following sections:
Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh), in the following sections:
Belarus (Republic of Belarus), in the following sections:
Croatia (Republic of Croatia), in the following sections:
Bolivia (Republic of Bolivia), in the following sections:
Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran), in the following sections:
Botswana (Republic of Botswana), in the following sections:
Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil), in the following sections:
Bulgaria (Republic of Bulgaria), in the following sections:
Burkina Faso, in the following sections:
Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon), in the following sections:
Canada, in the following sections:
Serbia (Republic of Serbia), in the following sections:
Chile (Republic of Chile), in the following sections:
Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium), in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Norway, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Chile, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in China, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in France, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Italy, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Finland, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Germany, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Iceland, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Netherlands, in the following sections:
The Concept of a Perfect God is Impossible, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Poland, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Sweden, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Colombia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in the Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Greece, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Estonia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Egypt, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Hungary, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Azerbaijan, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Algeria, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Austria, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Armenia, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Argentina, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in the UK, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Australia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Spain, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Canada, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Bahrain, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Singapore, in the following sections:
Prayer is Ungodly, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Bangladesh, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Belarus, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Belgium, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Bolivia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Nigeria, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Georgia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Latvia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Peru, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Croatia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Mexico, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Morocco, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Uganda, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Tunisia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Thailand, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Malaysia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Oman, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Libya, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Philippines, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Qatar, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Russia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in South Korea, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in South Africa, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Saudi Arabia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Serbia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Tanzania, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Japan, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Bosnia & Herzegovina, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Guatemala, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Haiti, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Vietnam, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in India, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Venezuela, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Indonesia, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Ukraine, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Iraq, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Yemen, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Jordan, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in USA, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Kazakhstan, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Kenya, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Kuwait, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in United Arab Emirates, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Lebanon, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Iran, in the following sections:
Religion in India, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries at Human Rights, Freedom and Tolerance?, in the following sections:
Hallucinations, Sensory Deprivation and Fasting: The Physiological Causes of Religious and Mystical Experiences, in the following sections:
The Gradual Instruction of Humankind by a Series of Prophets from God, in the following sections:
The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance in the Middle East: A Very Unhappy Picture, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in The Caribbean, in the following sections:
Faith Schools in the West: Sectarianism, Segregation and Division in the Name of Religion, in the following sections:
When Was Jesus Born? What Year, and Which Day?, in the following sections:
The Benefits of Secular Government: Approaching Religion Fairly, in the following sections:
Hinduism: Fundamentalism and Violent Extremism, in the following sections:
Who Wrote the Four Gospels of the New Testament? An Introduction to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John., in the following sections:
Anti-Semitism, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Denmark, in the following sections:
Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism, in the following sections:
Which Countries are Most Modern, With the Best Education and Internet Access?, in the following sections:
The Americas: Which Countries are Best at Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality?, in the following sections:
Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Africa: Statistical Comparisons, in the following sections:
Gender Equality, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Uruguay, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in Europe, in the following sections:
Comparing Small Islands on Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance?, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Paraguay, in the following sections:
Fearing God, in the following sections:
Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Asia: Statistical Comparisons, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Jamaica, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Ghana, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Brazil, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Bulgaria, in the following sections:
Religion and Population Growth: 3. Birth Control
Single God Religions (Monotheism)
Cultural Religion Versus Scholarly Religion
Human Rights and Freedom in Uzbekistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Religion in China: 5. Buddhism from the 1st Century CE
Gnosticism (1st-7th Century): The Birth of Christianity
Institutionalized Religions Have Their Numbers Inflated by National Polls
Religion and Abolition of the Historical Slave Trade: 5. The Role of Voodoo in Abolition
Mass Education Versus Religion: 1. Religion and Intelligence
Enforced Christianity in the Modern British Army: Remembrance Sunday and Church Parades
How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an
Scriptural Debating Style: Christians and Muslims Must be Patient and Courteous
Human Rights and Freedom in Somalia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
A List of Denominations of Satanism: 2. Church of Satan (1966CE)
The Top Smitings from the Bible: 6. The Flood (Genesis 6-8)
The Islamic Religion is Often Mixed With Cultural Practices
Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Racism Versus 'The Race Card'
Nightmares and Night Terrors: 2.2. Religion and Superstition
Human Rights and Freedom in South Sudan: 3.2. Freedom of Thought
Religion in the UK's Armed Forces
Give to Charity Directly, Not to Church
Consciousness as an Emergent Property: 3. Pantheism
Arian Christianity (the Father is Greater than the Son): A Precursor to Modern Christianity
Human Rights and Freedom in Taiwan: 3.2. Freedom of Thought
The Bane of Monotheism: Against Single-God Religions
Human Rights and Freedom in Sri Lanka: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Sudan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Swaziland: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Tajikistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Altruism is an Illusion: 3.4. Aiming for Heaven
Christianity and Marriage: 3. Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings
Christianity, the Environment and Climate Change
Human Rights and Freedom in Turkmenistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Secularism: 2. Legislation and Faith: Religious Rights and Religious Wrongs
Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy)
Historical Satanism: 10. A List of Denominations of Satanism
The Gaia Hypothesis of James Lovelock
How to Kill God and Reduce Religion: 1.1. Things to Bring Up in Debates
Brainwashing and Mind Control: What Can Cults Do?
Lucifer, the Eastern Crown Prince of Satanism
Freedom of Expression: 4. Opposition to Free Expression
Friedrich Nietzsche: 3. Anti-Religion
Biblical Christianity Denies Free Will
The Birth of Jesus and the Christmas Story: Pagan and Unhistorical
Climate Change Deniers: 6. Religion, the Environment and Climate Change
What the Mentally and Physically Disabled Tell Us About God's Plan
The Validity of Love Theodicy: God, Humans, Free Will and Evil
Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues: 2. Numbers of Muslims Around the World, by Country
Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die
Judaism: 2. Numbers of Jews Around the World, by Country
The Experience of Evil Theodicy
The Problem of Evil: Why Would a Good God Create Suffering?
Satanic Symbols and Images of Satanism
Buddhism is an Atheist Religion
Religious Education in UK Schools: 5. Faith Schools
The Food Chain: 3.3. God's Will Versus Genetics
Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?
Spirit Dualism: It Makes No Sense to Divide Spirits Into "Good" and "Bad"
Human Rights and Freedom in Chad: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
The Nature of Alien Life: From the Familiar to the Exotic: 4.3. The Gaia Hypothesis
The Population of the Earth: 1.4. Birth Control
Human Rights and Freedom in Zimbabwe: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Ontological Argument for God (Descartes & Anselm)
What are 'Left Hand Path' Religions?
Christianity in the UK: The Newest Minority Religion
St Paul - History, Biblical Epistles, Gnosticism and Mithraism: 5. Gnosticism
Christianity: 2. Numbers of Christians Around the World, by Country
Metaphysical Solipsism is Not True: 5. Consciousness is Biological, There is No Need for Solipsism
The Christian Holy Bible: 1.2. The Flood
Life Expectancy and Longevity: 6. Sociological Data on Life Expectancy Versus Religion
Christianity v. Astronomy: The Earth Orbits the Sun!
Instruct with Great Patience: How Christians Should Preach and Debate, According to the Bible
Christian Mythology: Adam and Eve, and the Serpent, in the Garden of Eden
Christianity's 7 Day Creation Myth: 9. Conclusions
The Divine Number 12: 12 Gods, 12 Disciples, 12 Tribes and the Zodiac
Science is Shrinking the Supernatural World
Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Singapore (Republic of Singapore): 11. Religion and Beliefs
The Religious Impulse to Violent Defend Doubtful Beliefs
Slovenia (Republic of Slovenia): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Somalia: 11. Religion and Beliefs
Endorsement of Violence and Murder in the Old Testament
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka): 12. Religion and Beliefs
The Gaia Hypothesis: Nice But Unlikely
Syria (Syrian Arab Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Faith Healers Are Not Replacing Doctors for a Good Reason
Thailand (Kingdom of Thailand): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Togo (Togolese Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Trinidad & Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Namibia (Republic of Namibia): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Religion, Belief and Prayer Does Not Help Infant Mortality Rates
Refuting Missionaries [of Christianity]
Human Rights and Freedom in Nepal: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Afghanistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
New Zealand: 11. Religion and Beliefs
What are the Vedic Faiths?: 2. Buddhism
Religion in Pakistan: 1. Adherents and Beliefs
If There is a God, It Must Be Evil
A Critical Look at John Chapter 9 (A Rewrite of Mark's Story of the Blind Man): 1. Book Summary
What Direction Do You Pray to Mecca in South America?
Hyperactive Agent Detection Device (the Psychology of Religion and Superstition)
Political Power Struggles and Identity Reinforcement: Why are People Religious?
Turkmenistan: 11. Religion and Beliefs
Oman (Sultanate of Oman): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion
Out of Body Experiences (OBEs): Astral Projection or Soul Travelling?
What is Religious Fundamentalism?
Prayer is Magic, and Prayers are Spells: 1. Prayer is Magic
Different Types of Atheism and Atheist Beliefs
Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings
Human Story Telling: The Poor Accuracy of Oral Transmission
The Evolution of the Human Eye, Complete With Its Inside-Out Retina
What Do Religions Say About Souls?
Compare International Statistics by Region and Continent: 7. Religion and Beliefs
Growing Fundamentalism in Islam: How Moderates are Subjugated by Muslim Hardliners
Can God Lie? Is God Always Truthful in the Christian Bible?
Bible-Based Absolute Morals are Impossible Because All Scripture is Interpreted Subjectively
Women as Possessions and Objects of Beauty in the Bible
Christianity and Child Abuse: Fatal Cases of Faith Healing and Exorcisms by Priests and Clergy
Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Liberals and Academics Understand Scripture Better Than Believers
The Foundations of Islam in Paganism: 3. The Hajj and the Pagan Number Seven
United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Surviving Death and the Meaning of Life: 3. Religion
The 12 Disciples: The Christian Take on Ancient Astrology: 1. The Number Twelve in Ancient Religion
A List of All Religions and Belief Systems
Religion and the Fear of Death
What Does the Christian Bible say About Prayer? How Should Christians Pray?
Taiwan (Republic of China): 8. Religion and Beliefs
Definitions of Secularisation Theory: Why is Religion Declining?
LGBT Rights Across the World: Which are the Best and Worst Countries?: 1. Current Trends
Belief in the Theory of Evolution Versus Religious Faith
Mongolia: 11. Religion and Beliefs
Yemen (Republic of Yemen): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Angola (Republic of Angola): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Shinto: 1. Numbers of Shintoists Around the World, by Country
Sikhism: 1. Numbers of Sikhs Around the World, by Country
Spiritualism: 1. Numbers of Spiritualists Around the World, by Country
An introduction to Vodun, or Voodoo
Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Cambodia (Kingdom of Cambodia): 11. Religion and Beliefs
The Yezidis / Yazidis: Persecution Amidst Claims of Devil Worship
Human Rights and Freedom in Papua New Guinea: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Mali: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Kyrgyzstan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Benin (Republic of Benin): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights and Freedom in Israel: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Brunei (Negara Brunei Darussalam): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Nepal: 11. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights and Freedom in Mozambique: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Lot and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: In Genesis 18 and 19: 1. A Story of Depravity
Book of Judges (Shofetim): 2. Were There Twelve Judges?
Melakhim (1st half) / 1 Kings / 3 Kingdoms: 1. The Number Twelve in 1 Kings
The Gospel According to Saint Luke
The Gospel According to Saint John
The Book of Revelation: 3. The Symbolism of the Number 7 in the Book of Revelation
Human Rights and Freedom in Korea, North: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Jainism: 6.4. The Tirthankaras and the Solar Mythology of the Number 12
Why Do Women Have to Cover Their Hair in Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Islam and Science: Errors in the Qur'an and Arab Education
Noah, the Ark and the Flood, from the Bible Book of Genesis: 1. The Story of the Flood
Human Rights and Freedom in Honduras: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Rwanda: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Kuwait (State of Kuwait): 11. Religion and Beliefs
India (Republic of India): 7. India's Modernity and Learning
Human Rights and Freedom in Central African Republic: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
We Dislike Changing Our Minds: Status Quo Bias and Cognitive Dissonance: 2. Cognitive Dissonance
Human Rights and Freedom in Cambodia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Burundi: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Burundi (Republic of Burundi): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Jamaica: 11. Religion and Beliefs
Guinea (Republic of Guinea): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Libya (Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Malawi (Republic of Malawi): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Angola: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights and Freedom in Myanmar (Burma): 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Equatorial Guinea: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Central African Republic: 11. Religion and Beliefs
China (People's Republic of China): 7. China's Modernity and Learning
Human Rights and Freedom in Gambia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Congo, (Brazzaville) (Republic of the Congo): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights and Freedom in Ethiopia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Iceland (Republic of Iceland): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Cuba (Republic of Cuba): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Haiti (Republic of Haiti): 12. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights and Freedom in Ecuador: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Cuba: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Gambia (Republic of The Gambia): 11. Religion and Beliefs
Human Rights and Freedom in Liechtenstein: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Kosovo: 3.2. Freedom of Thought
Human Rights and Freedom in Eritrea: 4.2. Freedom of Thought
Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (29):
The Pro-Blasphemy Position: Satanism in Action!, in the following sections:
The New Age and Satanism, in the following sections:
Satanic Social Ethics and Teachings on Morality in Satanism, in the following sections:
God Must Be Evil (If It Exists), in the following sections:
The Causes of Satanism, in the following sections:
Selling Your Soul to Satan: A How-To Manual, in the following sections:
Moojan Momen's 8 Pathways to Religious Experience: Categorizing Satanism, in the following sections:
Satanism: The Natural Religion: 1.1. Universal Natural Evil
Conversion and Deconversion to Satanism Amidst the Absence of Proselytizing
What Religion Would Zombies Be?
Satanism in the UK: 1. How Many Satanists are There in the UK?
Good is Derived from Evil: Satanic Theory: 4. Are There Good and Evil Spirits?
How many Satanists are there in the UK?
Righteous Satan Theologies: When Satan is Good: 2.3. Classical Gnosticism
Equality, Egalitarianism and Social Stratification in Satanism
Quotes from 'The Chatto Book of the Devil' by Francis Spufford
A Book Review of "Key Thinkers in the Sociology of Religion" by Richard Fenn
Satanism is More than Humanism
Satanism as a Mystery Religion
Words that Satanists Don't Like
Satanism is a World-Affirming Religion, not a World-Renouncing One
Melton & Moore's 8 Religious Categories: Satanism's Position
Satanism and Violence: 2. Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide