Main page:
India (Republic of India)Human Truth Foundation pages (93):
Religion in India, in the following sections:
Jainism, in the following sections:
Theosophy, in the following sections:
Hinduism: Fundamentalism and Violent Extremism, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in India, in the following sections:
Sikhism, in the following sections:
Hinduism, in the following sections:
What are the Vedic Faiths?, in the following sections:
How Does Karma Work in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism?, in the following sections:
Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide, in the following sections:
The Historical Slave Trade and Modern Slavery, in the following sections:
Eckankar: The Religion of the Light and Sound of God, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel, in the following sections:
The New Age, in the following sections:
Astrology: Do Observed Positions of the Planets Influence Our Lives in Mystical Ways?, in the following sections:
Violent Extremism in Sikhism, in the following sections:
The Hindu Caste System of India, in the following sections:
Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much, in the following sections:
Counter-Cultural and Alternative New Religious Movements, in the following sections:
The Divine Number 12: 12 Gods, 12 Disciples, 12 Tribes and the Zodiac, in the following sections:
Marriage: Its Diversity and Character, in the following sections:
Criticisms of Buddhism: Its History, Doctrine and Common Practices, in the following sections:
Buddhism, in the following sections:
Secularisation Theory: Will Modern Society Reject Religion? What is Secularism?, in the following sections:
Religion and Abolition of the Historical Slave Trade, in the following sections:
The Maldives (Republic of Maldives), in the following sections:
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan), in the following sections:
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka), in the following sections:
Modern Paganism (Neopaganism), in the following sections:
Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism, in the following sections:
Religion in China, in the following sections:
Religion in Pakistan, in the following sections:
Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh), in the following sections:
Which Countries are Most Modern, With the Best Education and Internet Access?
The Side Effects of Smoking. Which Countries Smoke Most?: 4.2. Evading the Law
Elections: 4. First Past the Post (FPTP) Voting System Damages Party-Based Democracies
Nothing New: Religions Evolve From Previous Religions: 5. The New Age: Old Beliefs, New Packaging
Deforestation: 3. The Burning of Indonesian Peat Forest
What are 'Left Hand Path' Religions?
Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance?
Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Racism Versus 'The Race Card': 2. Criticize Islam's Ideas, Not Its People
Islamic Denominations, Schools, Movements and Groups: 4. Sufi / Tasawwuf Islam (7th/8th century)
Why Dislike the UK?: 2.1. History
The Benefits to the UK of Immigration: 3. The State of UK Immigration as of the 2011 Census
United States of America: Foreign Aid: 2. Criticisms: Relative Aid and Tied Aid
The Benefits and Dangers of Vegetarianism: 4. The History of Vegetarianism
First Past the Post (FPTP) Voting System Damages Party-Based Democracies
National Apologies for Ancestral Sins and Historical Evils: 2. This Isn't About Individuals
Atheist Religions: 2.4. Jainism
November Religious Festivals and Dates
Jesus Did Not Exist: 2.6. Jesus and Other God-Men are Personifications of the Sun
Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues: 4. Denominations
Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger: 1.1. How Many Muslims are there in Europe?
Satan and The Devil in World Religions: 1. Explaining Evil: Why World Religions Personify Evil
Water Usage, Flouridation, and Sustainability: 2.1. Bangladesh and India
Religion in the United Kingdom: Diversity, Trends and Decline: 6.1. Islam (5%)
Book of Judges (Shofetim): 2. Were There Twelve Judges?
Suriname (Republic of Suriname): 1. Overview
A List of All Religions and Belief Systems
The 12 Disciples: The Christian Take on Ancient Astrology: 1. The Number Twelve in Ancient Religion
Anti-Semitism: 2. Crazy Beliefs are Sometimes Dangerous
Which are the Best Countries in Asia?: 3. Demographics and Migration
Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique): 1. Overview
Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion
Where do Easter Eggs Come From? What do Easter Eggs Mean?
Rupert Murdoch and News Corp's Involvements in Politics: 1. The Size of the Empire
Human Rights: 1.1. 6th Century BCE to the Mid-19th Century CE
The Economic Benefits to the UK of Remaining in the EU
What the Worst and Most Horrible Genetic Diseases?: 1. Genetic Diseases
Which Country in Asia Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants?
Mass Media: Sensationalism, Panics and Exaggeration: 5. The Millennium Bug
Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy): 4. Zoroastrianism
Agnosticism: 3. Its Ancient History and Modern Revival
Modern Druids (Neo-Druidism / Neo-Druidry): 2. Paganism and the New Age
The History of Atheism: 1. Where Did Atheism First Arise?
Melakhim (1st half) / 1 Kings / 3 Kingdoms: 1. The Number Twelve in 1 Kings
Religious Extremism: 8. Extremism in Hinduism
Spiritualism: 2. Denominations
Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion Based on Witchcraft: 2.1. Paganism and the New Age
Zoroastrianism: 1. Calendar (2025)
Democracy: Its Foundations and Modern Challenges: 1.5. Representative Democracy
Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (7):
World War Z (2013) Film Review: 1. Synopsis
The Best Aggressive Fast Zombie Films: 4. World War Z (2013)
The New Age and Satanism: 1. A Brief Introduction to the New Age
Swasticross - The Cross and The Swastika: 1.2. The Swastika in Ancient History: A Symbol of Good
Satanism and Violence: 2. Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide
Classic Zombie Films: the Slow Undead: 5. Osombie (2012)
Vexen Crabtree's Websites: What's New and Site History: 12. 2013