The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 54 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: Al-Qamar
English: The Moon
Location: Makkah

Traditional Order:
< Sura 53 (An-Najm - The Star)
> Sura 55 (Ar-Rahman - The Beneficient)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 86 (At-Tariq - The Morning Star)
> Sura 38 (Sad - Sad)

Verses: 55

1The Hour has drawn nigh: the moon is split.
2Yet if they see a sign they turn away, and they say 'A continuous sorcery!'
3They have cried lies, and followed their caprices; but every matter is settled.
4And there have come to them such tidings as contain a deterrent --
5a Wisdom far-reaching; yet warnings do not avail.
6So turn thou away from them. Upon the day when the Caller shall call unto a horrible thing,
7abasing their eyes, they shall come forth from the tombs as if they were scattered grasshoppers,
8running with outstretched necks to the Caller. The unbelievers shall say, 'This is a hard day!'
9The people of Noah cried lies before them; they cried lies to Our servant, and said, 'A man possessed!' And he was rejected.
10And so he called unto his Lord, saying, 'I am vanquished; do Thou succour me!'
11Then We opened the gates of heaven unto water torrential,
12and made the earth to gush with fountains, and the waters met for a matter decreed.
13And We bore him upon a well-planked vessel well-caulked
14running before Our eyes-a recompense for him denied.
15And We left it for a sign. Is there any that will remember?
16How then were My chastisement and My warnings?
17Now We have made the Koran easy for Remembrance. Is there any that will remember?
18Ad cried lies. How then were My chastisement and My warnings?
19We loosed against them a wind clamorous in a day of ill fortune continuous,
20plucking up men as if they were stumps of uprooted palm-trees.
21How then were My chastisement and My warnings?
22Now We have made the Koran easy for Remembrance. Is there any that will remember?
23Thamood cried lies to the warnings
24and said, 'What, shall we follow a mortal, one out of ourselves? Then indeed we should be in error and insanity!
25Has the Reminder been cast upon him alone among us? Nay, rather he is an impudent liar.'
26'They shall surely know tomorrow who is the impudent liar.
27They shall send the She-camel as a trial for them; so watch thou them and keep patience.
28And tell them that the water is to be divided between them, each drink for each in turn.
29Then they called their comrade, and he took in hand, and hamstrung her.
30How then were My chastisement and My warnings?
31We loosed against them one Cry, and they were as the wattles of a pen-builder.
32Now We have made the Koran easy for Remembrance. Is there any that will remember?
33The people of Lot cried lies to the warnings.
34We loosed against them a squall of pebbles except the folk of Lot; We delivered them at the dawn --
35a blessing from Us; even so We recompense him who is thankful.
36He had warned them of Our assault, but they disputed the warnings.
37Even his guests they had solicited of him; so We obliterated their eyes, saying, 'Taste now My chastisement and My warnings!'
38In the morning early there came upon them a settled chastisement:
39'Taste now My chastisement and My warnings!'
40Now We have made the Koran easy for Remembrance. Is there any that will remember?
41The warnings came also to Pharaoh's folk.
42They cried lies to Our signs, all of them, so We seized them with the seizing of One mighty, omnipotent.
43What, are your unbelievers better than those? Or have you an immunity in the Scrolls?
44Or do they say, 'We are a congregation that shall be succoured?'
45Certainly the host shall be routed, and turn their backs.
46Nay, but the Hour is their tryst, and the Hour is very calamitous and bitter.
47Surely the sinners are in error and insanity!
48The day when they are dragged on their faces into the Fire: 'Taste now the touch of Sakar!'
49Surely We have created everything in measure.
50Our commandment is but one word, as the twinkling of an eye.
51We have destroyed the likes of you; is there any that will remember?
52Every thing that they have done is in the Scrolls,
53and everything, great and small, is inscribed.
54Surely the godfearing shall dwell amid gardens and a river
55in a sure abode, in the presence of a King Omnipotent.