The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 52 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: At-tur
English: Mount Sinai
Location: Makkah

Traditional Order:
< Sura 51 (Adh-Dhariyat - The Winnowing Winds)
> Sura 53 (An-Najm - The Star)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 32 (As-Sajda - The Prostration)
> Sura 67 (Al-Mulk - The Sovereignty)

Verses: 49

1By the Mount

Sura 52:48-49 is discussed on How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an: 4. Qur'an 52:48-49, 73:1-7: Prayer Timings at Night.

2and a Book inscribed
3in a parchment unrolled,
4by the House inhabited
5and the roof uplifted
6and the sea swarming,
7surely thy Lord's chastisement is about to fall;
8there is none to avert it.
9Upon the day when heaven spins dizzily
10and the mountains are in motion,
11woe that day unto those that cry lies,
12such as play at plunging,
13the day when they shall be pitched into the fire of Gehenna:
14'This is the fire that you cried lies to!
15What, is this magic, or is it you that do not see?
16Roast in it! And bear you patiently, or bear not patiently, equal it is to you; you are only being recompensed for that you were working.'
17Surely the godfearing shall be in gardens and bliss,
18rejoicing in that their Lord has given them; and their Lord shall guard them against the chastisement of Hell.
19'Eat and drink, with wholesome appetite, for that you were working.
20Reclining upon couches ranged in rows; and We shall espouse them to wide-eyed houris.
21And those who believed, and their seed followed them in belief, We shall join their seed with them, and We shall not defraud them of aught of their work; every man shall be pledged for what he earned.
22And We shall succour them with fruits and flesh such as they desire
23while they pass therein a cup one to another wherein is no idle talk, no cause of sin,
24and there go round them youths, their own, as if they were hidden pearls.
25They advance one upon another, asking each other questions.
26They say, 'We were before among our people, ever going in fear,
27and God was gracious to us, and guarded us against the chastisement of the burning wind;
28we were before ever calling upon Him; surely He is the All-benign, the All-compassionate.'
29Therefore remind! by thy Lord's blessing thou art not a soothsayer neither possessed.
30Or do they say, 'He is a poet for whom we await Fate's uncertainty'?
31Say: 'Await! I shall be awaiting with you.'
32Or do their intellects bid them do this? Or are they an insolent people?
33Or do they say, 'He has invented it?' Nay, but they do not believe.
34Then let them bring a discourse like it, if they speak truly.
35Or were they created out of nothing? Or are they the creators?
36Or did they create the heavens and earth? Nay, but they have not sure faith.
37Or are thy Lord's treasuries in their keeping? Or are they the registrars?
38Or have they a ladder whereon they listen? Then let any of them that has listened bring a clear authority.
39Or has He daughters, and they sons?
40Or askest thou them for a wage, and so they are weighed down with debt?
41Or is the Unseen in their keeping, and so they are writing it down?
42Or desire they to outwit? The unbelievers, they are the outwitted.
43Or have they a god, other than God? Glory be to God, above that which they associate!
44Even if they saw lumps falling from heaven, they would say, 'A massed cloud!'
45Then leave them, till they encounter their day wherein they shall be thunderstruck,
46the day when their guile shall avail them naught, and they shall not be helped.
47And there surely awaits the evildoers a chastisement beyond even that, but most of them know it not.
48And be thou patient under the judgment of thy Lord; surely thou art before Our eyes. And proclaim the praise of thy Lord when thou arisest,
49and proclaim the praise of thy Lord in the night, and at the declining of the stars.