The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 47 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: Muhammad
English: Muhammad
Location: Madina

Traditional Order:
< Sura 46 (Al-Ahqaf - The Wind-curved Sandhills)
> Sura 48 (Al-Fath - The Victory)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 57 (Al-Hadid - The Iron)
> Sura 13 (Ar-Rad - The Thunder)

Verses: 38

1Those who disbelieve and bar from God's way, God will send their works astray.

Some comments on Sura 47:4 are on Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 1. Muslims Must Face Non-Muslims With Conversion, Subjugation, or Death.

Sura 47:4: Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 1. Muslims Must Face Non-Muslims With Conversion, Subjugation, or Death.

Sura 47:20-23: Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 1. Muslims Must Face Non-Muslims With Conversion, Subjugation, or Death.

Sura 47:25: See Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 1. Muslims Must Face Non-Muslims With Conversion, Subjugation, or Death.

Sura 47:29-33 is mentioned on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 47:29-33 appears on God Never Needs to Test Us: 1. The Problem of Evil.

Sura 47:29-33: See God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Some comments on Sura 47:34 are on Universalism: If there is a Good God, Everyone Must Go to Heaven: 7.1. Some People are in Hell Forever.

2But those who believe and do righteous deeds and believe in what is sent down to Muhammad -- and it is the truth from their Lord -- He will acquit them of their evil deeds, and dispose their minds aright.
3That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Even so God strikes their similitudes for men.
4When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads. So it shall be; and if God had will
5He will guide them, and dispose their minds aright,
6and He will admit them to Paradise, that He has made known to them.
7O believers, if you help God, He will help you, and confirm your feet.
8But as for the unbelievers, ill chance shall befall them! He will send their works astray.
9That is because they have been averse to what God has sent down, so He has made their works to fail.
10What, have they not journeyed in the land and beheld how was the end of those before them? God destroyed them; the unbelievers shall have the likes thereof.
11That is because God is the Protector of the believers, and that the unbelievers have no protector.
12God shall surely admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens underneath which rivers flow. As for the unbelievers, they take their enjoyment and eat as cattle eat; and the Fire shall be their lodging.
13How many a city that was stronger in might than thy city which has expelled thee have We destroyed! And there was no helper for them.
14What, is he who is upon a clear sign from his Lord like unto such a one unto whom his evil deeds have been decked out fair, and they have followed their caprices?
15This is the similitude of Paradise which the godfearing have been promised: therein are rivers of water unstaling, rivers of milk unchanging in flavour, and rivers of wine -- a delight to the drinkers, rivers, too, of honey purified; and therein for them is every fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord -- Are they as he who dwells forever in the Fi
16And some of them there are give ear to thee, till, when they go forth from thee, they say to those who have been given knowledge, 'What said he just now?' Those are they upon whose hearts God has set a seal, and they have followed their caprices.
17But those who are guided aright, them He increases in guidance, and gives them their godfearing.
18Are they looking for aught but the Hour, that it shall come upon them suddenly? Already its tokens have come; so, when it has come to them, how shall they have their Reminder?
19Know thou therefore that there is no god but God, and ask forgiveness for thy sin, and for the believers, men and women. God knows your going to and fro, and your lodging.
20Those who believe say, 'Why has a sura not been sent down?' Then, when a clear sura is sent down, and therein fighting is mentioned, thou seest those in whose hearts is sickness looking at thee as one who swoons of death; but better for them would be
21obedience, and words honourable. Then, when the matter is resolved, if they were true to God, it would be better for them.
22If you turned away, would you then haply work corruption in the land, and break your bonds of kin?
23Those are they whom God has cursed, and so made them deaf, and blinded their eyes.
24What, do they not ponder the Koran? Or is it that there are locks upon their hearts?
25Those who have turned back in their traces after the guidance has become clear to them, Satan it was that tempted them, and God respited them.
26That is because they said to those who were averse to what God sent down, 'We will obey you in some of the affair'; and God knows their secrets.
27How shall it be, when the angels take them, beating their faces and their backs?
28That is because they have followed what angers God, and have been averse to His good pleasure, so He has made their works to fail.
29Or did those in whose hearts is sickness think that God would not bring to light their rancour?
30Did We will, We would show them to thee, then thou wouldst know them by their mark; and thou shalt certainly know them in the twisting of their speech; and God knows your deeds.
31And We shall assuredly try you until We know those of you who struggle and are steadfast, and try your tidings.
32Those who disbelieve and bar from God's way and make a breach with the Messenger after the guidance has become clear to them, they will nothing hurt God, and He will make their works to fail.
33O believers, obey God, and obey the Messenger, and do not make your own works vain.
34Those who disbelieve and bar from God's way and then die disbelieving, them God will not forgive.
35So do not faint and call for peace; you shall be the upper ones, and God is with you, and will not deprive you of your works.
36The present life is naught but a sport and a diversion; and if you believe and are godfearing, He will give you your wages, and will not ask of you your goods.
37If He asks you for them, and presses you, you are niggardly, and He brings to light your rancour.
38Ha, there you are; you are called upon to expend in God's way, and some of you are niggardly. Whoso is niggardly is niggardly only to his own soul. God is the All-sufficient; you are the needy ones. If you turn away, He will substitute another people instead of you, then they will not be your likes.