The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 37 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: As-Saaffat
English: Those Who Set the Ranks
Location: Makkah

Traditional Order:
< Sura 36 (Ya Seen - Ya Seen)
> Sura 38 (Sad - Sad)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 6 (Al-Anaam - The Cow)
> Sura 31 (Luqman - Luqman)

Verses: 182

1By the rangers ranging

Sura 37:6-8: Islam and Science: Errors in the Qur'an and Arab Education: 1. Astronomy Mistakes.

Sura 37:6-8 is referenced on Christianity v. Astronomy: The Earth Orbits the Sun!: 7. Islam and the Qur'an.

Sura 37:10: Islam and Science: Errors in the Qur'an and Arab Education: 1. Astronomy Mistakes.

Some comments on Sura 37:10 are on Christianity v. Astronomy: The Earth Orbits the Sun!: 7. Islam and the Qur'an.

2and the scarers scaring
3and the reciters of a Remembrance,
4surely your God is One,
5Lord of the heavens and the earth, and of what between them is Lord of the Easts.
6We have adorned the lower heaven with the adornment of the stars
7and to preserve against every rebel Satan;
8they listen not to the High Council, for they are pelted from every side,
9rejected, and theirs is an everlasting chastisement,
10except such as snatches a fragment, and he is pursued by a piercing flame.
11So ask them for a pronouncement -- Are they stronger in constitution, or those We created? We created them of clinging clay.
12Nay, thou marvellest; and they scoff
13and, when reminded, do not remember
14and, when they see a sign, would scoff;
15and they say, 'This is nothing but manifest sorcery.
16What, when we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we indeed be raised up?
17What, and our fathers, the ancients?'
18Say: 'Yes, and in all lowliness.'
19For it is only a single scaring, then behold, they are watching
20and they say, 'Woe, alas for us! This is the Day of Doom.'
21'This is the Day of Decision, even that you cried lies to.
22Muster those who did evil, their wives, and that they were serving,
23apart from God, and guide them unto the path of Hell!
24And halt them, to be questioned:
25"Why help you not one another?"
26No indeed; but today they resign themselves in submission
27and advance one upon another, asking each other questions.
28These say, 'Why, you of old would come to us from the right hand.'
29Those say, 'No; on the contrary, you were not believers;
30we had no authority over you; no, you were an insolent people.
31So our Lord's Word is realised against us; we are tasting it.
32Therefore we perverted you, and we ourselves were perverts.'
33So all of them on that day are sharers in the chastisement.
34Even so We do with the sinners;
35for when it was said to them, 'There is no god but God, ' they were ever waxing proud,
36saying, 'What, shall we forsake our gods for a poet possessed?'
37'No indeed; but he brought the truth, and confirmed the Envoys.
38Now certainly you shall be tasting the painful chastisement,
39and not be recompensed, except according to what you were doing.'
40Except for God's sincere servants;
41for them awaits a known provision,
42fruits -- and they high-honoured
43in the Gardens of Bliss
44upon couches, set face to face,
45a cup from a spring being passed round to them,
46white, a delight to the drinkers,
47wherein no sickness is, neither intoxication;
48and with them wide-eyed maidens restraining their glances
49as if they were hidden pearls.
50They advance one upon another, asking each other questions.
51One of them says, 'I had a comrade
52who would say, "Are you a confirmer?
53What, when we are dead and become dust and bones, shall we indeed be requited?"
54He says, 'Are you looking down?'
55Then he looks, and sees him in the midst of Hell.
56He says, 'By God, wellnigh thou didst destroy me;
57But for my Lord's blessing, I were one of the arraigned.
58What, do we then not die
59except for our first death, and are we not chastised?
60This is indeed the mighty triumph,
61for the like of this let the workers work.'
62Is that better as a hospitality, or the Tree of Ez-Zakkoum?
63We have appointed it as a trial for the evildoers.
64It is a tree that comes forth in the root of Hell;
65its spathes are as the heads of Satans,
66and they eat of it, and of it fill their bellies,
67then on top of it they have a brew of boiling water,
68then their return is unto Hell.
69They found their fathers erring,
70and they run in their footsteps.
71Before them erred most of the ancients,
72and We sent among them warners;
73and behold, how was the end of them that were warned,
74except for God's sincere servants.
75Noah called to Us; and how excellent were the Answerers!
76And We delivered him and his people from the great distress,
77and We made his seed the survivors,
78and left for him among the later folk
79'Peace be upon Noah among all beings!'
80Even so We recompense the good-doers;
81he was among Our believing servants.
82Then afterwards We drowned the rest.
83Of his party was also Abraham;
84when he came unto his Lord with a pure heart,
85when he said to his father and his folk, 'What do you serve?
86Is it a calumny, gods apart from God, that you desire?
87What think you then of the Lord of all Being?'
88And he cast a glance at the stars,
89and he said, 'Surely I am sick.'
90But they went away from him, turning their backs.
91Then he turned to their gods, and said, 'What do you eat?
92What ails you, that you speak not?'
93And he turned upon them smiting them with his right hand.
94Then came the others to him hastening.
95He said, 'Do you serve what you hew,
96and God created you and what you make?'
97They said, 'Build him a building, and cast him into the furnace!'
98They desired to outwit him; so We made them the lower ones.
99He said, 'I am going to my Lord; He will guide me.
100My Lord, give me one of the righteous.'
101Then We gave him the good tidings of a prudent boy;
102and when he had reached the age of running with him, he said, 'My son, I see in a dream that I shall sacrifice thee; consider, what thinkest thou?' He said, 'My father, do as thou art bidden; thou shalt find
103When they had surrendered, and he flung him upon his brow,
104We called unto him, 'Abraham,
105thou hast confirmed the vision; even so We recompense the good-doers.
106This is indeed the manifest trial.'
107And We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice,
108and left for him among the later folk
109'Peace be upon Abraham!'
110Even so We recompense the good-doers;
111he was among Our believing servants.
112Then We gave him the good tidings of Isaac, a Prophet, one of the righteous.
113And We blessed him, and Isaac; and of their seed some are good-doers, and some manifest self-wrongers.
114We also favoured Moses and Aaron,
115and We delivered them and their people from the great distress.
116And We helped them, so that they were the victors;
117and We gave them the Manifesting Book,
118and guided them in the straight path,
119and left for them among the later folk
120'Peace be upon Moses and, Aaron!'
121Even so We recompense the good-doers;
122they were among Our believing servants.
123Elias too was one of the Envoys;
124when he said to his people, 'Will you not be godfearing?
125Do you call on Baal, and abandon the Best of creators?
126God, your Lord, and the Lord of your fathers, the ancients?'
127But they cried him lies; so they will be among the arraigned,
128except for God's sincere servants;
129and We left for him among the later folk
130'Peace be upon Elias!'
131Even so We recompense the good-doers;
132he was among Our believing servants.
133Lot too was one of the Envoys;
134when We delivered him and his people all together,
135save an old woman among those that tarried;
136then We destroyed the others,
137and you pass by them in the morning
138and in the night; will you not understand?
139Jonah too was one of the Envoys;
140when he ran away to the laden ship
141and cast lots, and was of the rebutted,
142then the whale swallowed him down, and he blameworthy.
143Now had he not been of those that glorify God,
144he would have tarried in its belly until the day they shall be raised;
145but We cast him upon the wilderness, and he was sick,
146and We caused to grow over him a tree of gourds.
147Then We sent him unto a hundred thousand, or more,
148and they believed; so We gave them enjoyment for a while.
149So ask them for a pronouncement -- Has thy Lord daughters, and they sons?
150Or did We create the angels females, while they were witnesses?
151Is it not of their own calumny that they say,
152'God has begotten?' They are truly liars.
153Has He chosen daughters above sons?
154What ails you then, how you judge?
155What, and will you not remember?
156Or have you a clear authority?
157Bring your Book, if you speak truly!
158They have set up a kinship between Him and the jinn; and the jinn know that they shall be arraigned.
159Glory be to God above that they describe,
160except for God's sincere servants.
161But as for you, and that you serve,
162you shall not tempt any against Him
163except him who shall roast in Hell.
164None of us is there, but has a known station;
165we are the rangers,
166we are they that give glory.
167What though they would say,
168'If only we had had a Reminder from the ancients,
169then were we God's sincere servants.'
170But they disbelieved in it; soon they shall know!
171Already Our Word has preceded to Our servants, the Envoys;
172assuredly they shall be helped,
173and Our host -- they are the victors.
174So turn thou from them for a while,
175and see them; soon they shall see!
176What, do they seek to hasten Our chastisement?
177When it lights in their courtyard, how evil will be the morning of them that are warned!
178So turn thou from them for a while,
179and see; soon they shall see!
180Glory be to thy Lord, the Lord of Glory, above that they describe!
181And peace be upon the Envoys;
182and praise belongs to God, the Lord of all Being.