Pages Tagged with #religions

Main page:

A List of All Religions and Belief Systems

Human Truth Foundation pages (21):

What are the Vedic Faiths?, in the following sections:

What is Religion? How Do You Define Religion?, in the following sections:

Atheist Religions, in the following sections:

Happiness and Religion: Does Belief Make You Happy Or Does Unhappiness Make You Believe?

Is the Christian God Evil? Evidence from Scripture and Nature: 6. Sowing Seeds of Confusion - Not the Antics of a Good God

Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals?: 0.3. Happiness

Satan and The Devil in World Religions

Human Religions

Humanism: 2. What is Humanism?

God's Methods of Communication: Universal Truth Versus Hebrew and Arabic: 4. The Existence of Contradictory Religions Tells Us That Either God is Evil or It Doesn't Care What We Believe

The Bahá'í Faith


The Assumptions about God and Creation, of Both Theists and Atheists: 4. Proving the Existence of God Would Not Support Any Particular Religion


The Evil One in Buddhism: Māra, the Buddhist Satan

Human Rights and Secular Morals: Ethics Without Religion or Faith: 5. Humanism

Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion

Pastafarianism (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster): 2. An Introduction to Parody Religions

How Does Karma Work in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism?: 1. Vedic Commonalities

International Happiness: Which Countries and Regions are Most Happy?: 3. Happiness and Religion: Does Belief Make You Happy Or Does Unhappiness Make You Believe?

The Jedi Knight Religion, Inspired by Star Wars (Jediism)

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (2):

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