Pages Tagged with #old_testament

Human Truth Foundation pages (30):

The 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (Originally from the Trei Asar), in the following sections:

The Book of NaḤum / Nahum, in the following sections:

The Book of Hōshea / Hosea / Osee, in the following sections:

The Book of Yō´el / Joel, in the following sections:

The Book of Amōs / Amos, in the following sections:

The Book of `ōbhadhyah / Obadiah / Abdias, in the following sections:

The Book of Mikhayah / Micah / Michael, in the following sections:

The Book of Ḥabhaqquq / Habakkuk / Habacuc, in the following sections:

The Book of Zekharyah / Zephaniah / Sophonias, in the following sections:

The Book of Haggai / Aggeus, in the following sections:

The Book of Mal´akhi / Malachi / Malachias, in the following sections:

Incest in the Bible: Adam and Eve and Their Children, and Noah and His Family, in the following sections:

The Book of Zekharyah / Zechariah / Zacharias, in the following sections:

The Book of Yōnah / Jonah / Jonas, in the following sections:

The Gradual Instruction of Humankind by a Series of Prophets from God: 3.2. Christianity: Does the New Testament Represent a New Revelation Which Overrides the Jewish Scriptures?

Marriage: Its Diversity and Character: 5.2. Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy)

Fundamentalist Judaism and Jewish Terrorism: 3.2. Marriage Rules Against Marrying Outsiders

Bereishit / Genesis

Shemot / Exodus: 1. The Pentateuch is the First 5 Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Vayikra / Leviticus

Bamidbar / Numbers

Devarim / Deuteronomy: 1. The Pentateuch is the First 5 Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy): 1. Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)

Biblical Dress Codes: God's Laws on Clothes: 3. All Laws of the Bible Must be Followed, Both Old and New

The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law?: 1. The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law?

Christian Mythology: Adam and Eve, and the Serpent, in the Garden of Eden: 4. Incest

Noah, the Ark and the Flood, from the Bible Book of Genesis: 7.1. Incest After the Flood

The Bible's History Books Covering 1100-950 BCE: 2. Book of Judges (Shofetim)

The Pentateuch is the First 5 Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Book of Judges (Shofetim)