The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 77 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: Al-Mursalat
English: The Emissaries
Location: Makkah

Traditional Order:
< Sura 76 (Al-Insan - The Man)
> Sura 78 (An-Naba - The Tidings)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 104 (Al-Humaza - The Traducer)
> Sura 50 (Qaf - Qaf)

Verses: 50

1By the loosed ones successively
2storming tempestuously
3by the scatterers scattering
4and the severally severing
5and those hurling a reminder
6excusing or warning,
7surely that which you are promised is about to fall!
8When the stars shall be extinguished,
9when heaven shall be split
10when the mountains shall be scattered
11and when the Messengers' time is set,
12to what day shall they be delayed?
13To the Day of Decision.
14And what shall teach thee what is the Day of Decision?
15Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
16Did We not destroy the ancients,
17and then follow them with the later folk?
18So We serve the sinners.
19Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
20Did We not create you of a mean water,
21that We laid within a sure lodging
22till a known term decreed?
23We determined; excellent determiners are We.
24Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
25Made We not the earth to be a housing
26for the living and for the dead?
27Set We not therein soaring mountains? Sated you with sweetest water?
28Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
29Depart to that you cried was lies!
30Depart to a triple-massing shadow
31unshading against the blazing flame
32that shoots sparks like dry faggots,
33sparks like to golden herds.
34Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
35This is the day they shall not speak
36neither be given leave, and excuse themselves.
37Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
38'This is the Day of Decision; We have joined you with the ancients;
39if you have a trick, try you now to trick Me!'
40Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
41Truly the godfearing shall dwell amid shades and fountains,
42and such fruits as their hearts desire:
43'Eat and drink, with wholesome appetite, for that you were working.'
44Even so do We recompense the good-doers.
45Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
46'Eat and take your joy a little; you are sinners!'
47Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
48When it is said to them, 'Prostrate yourselves!' they prostrate not.
49Woe that day unto those who cry it lies!
50In what discourse after this will they believe?