The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 2 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: Al-Baqara
English: The Cow
Location: Madina

Traditional Order:
< Sura 1 (Al-Fatiha - The Opening)
> Sura 3 (Aal-e-Imran - The Family of Imran)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 83 (Al-Mutaffifin - Defrauding)
> Sura 8 (Al-Anfal - Spoils of War/Booty)

Verses: 286

1Alif Lam Mim

Sura 2:20 appears on Is God All-Powerful? Can God or Anything Truly Be Omnipotent?: 5. Is God All-Powerful According to the Christian Bible and Qur'an?.

Some comments on Sura 2:29,77,85,115,137 are on Don't Panic: The World is Not About to End and Western Culture is Safe: 2.5. The Loss of Religion Means the Loss of All Morality.

Sura 2:29 comments: The Foundations of Islam in Paganism: 3. The Hajj and the Pagan Number Seven.

Sura 2:29,77,85,115,137 appears on What Causes Religion and Superstitions?: 2.5. Moralizing: Being Religious in Order to Be a Good Person.

Sura 2:29: Homocentricity or Anthropocentrism: Why Do Religions Think Humanity Is Central to God and Creation?: 1.3. Homocentricity in Islam.

Sura 2:29 is discussed on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

For more on Sura 2:29 see Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:29,77,85,115,137 is referenced on Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals?: 1.3. Is Religion Required to Be a Good Person?.

Sura 2:29 is mentioned on God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:29 is referenced on The Mystical Number 7: 3. In the Qur'an (Islam).

Sura 2:40: Fearing God: 2. Fear of God, In Islam.

Sura 2:60: The Divine Number 12: 12 Gods, 12 Disciples, 12 Tribes and the Zodiac: 7. Islam.

Some comments on Sura 2:77 are on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

For more on Sura 2:77 see Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:77 is discussed on God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:85 is referenced on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

Sura 2:85 is referenced on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Some comments on Sura 2:85 are on God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Some comments on Sura 2:109 are on Is God All-Powerful? Can God or Anything Truly Be Omnipotent?: 5. Is God All-Powerful According to the Christian Bible and Qur'an?.

Some comments on Sura 2:115 are on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

Sura 2:115 comments: Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:115 appears on God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:125: The Foundations of Islam in Paganism: 1. Mecca.

Sura 2:137 appears on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

Sura 2:137 appears on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

For more on Sura 2:137 see God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:143 is referenced on How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an: 6. Quran 2:144-9: Facing Mecca - A Nonsensical Instruction That Only Makes Practical Sense on a Flat Earth.

Sura 2:144-149 is mentioned on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:144-149: God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:144 is referenced on How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an: 6. Quran 2:144-9: Facing Mecca - A Nonsensical Instruction That Only Makes Practical Sense on a Flat Earth.

For more on Sura 2:149 see How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an: 6. Quran 2:144-9: Facing Mecca - A Nonsensical Instruction That Only Makes Practical Sense on a Flat Earth.

Sura 2:158: See The Foundations of Islam in Paganism: 3. The Hajj and the Pagan Number Seven.

Sura 2:158 comments: Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

Sura 2:158: Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:158 comments: God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:158 is referenced on The Mystical Number 7: 3. In the Qur'an (Islam).

Sura 2:167 is mentioned on Universalism: If there is a Good God, Everyone Must Go to Heaven: 7.1. Some People are in Hell Forever.

Some comments on Sura 2:181 are on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

Sura 2:181 is discussed on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:181: See God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

For more on Sura 2:193 see Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 1. Muslims Must Face Non-Muslims With Conversion, Subjugation, or Death.

Sura 2:211 is referenced on Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: 5. The Dangers of Leaving Islam (Apostasy).

Sura 2:212: Monotheism and Free Will: God, Determinism and Fate: 4.2. Islam.

Sura 2:212 comments: Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 7. The Qur'an Say Muslims Cannot, and Should Not, Try to Convert Disbelievers.

Sura 2:213 appears on Monotheism and Free Will: God, Determinism and Fate: 4.2. Islam.

Sura 2:213 is mentioned on Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 7. The Qur'an Say Muslims Cannot, and Should Not, Try to Convert Disbelievers.

Sura 2:224: See Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

For more on Sura 2:224 see Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:224 comments: God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:225 comments: Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance: 9.1. Islam and Women.

Sura 2:225 is mentioned on Religion Versus Womankind: 6. Islam and Women (Qur'an 4:34 and more).

Sura 2:225 is mentioned on Islam and Women.

For more on Sura 2:227 see Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

Sura 2:227 comments: Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:227: See God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:231 is referenced on Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 1. Is God All-Knowing in the Bible and Qur'an?.

For more on Sura 2:231 see Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?: 4.2. Islam: Times in the Qur'an When God Tests People to Find Things Out.

Sura 2:231 is referenced on God Never Needs to Test Us: 4.2. God Testing People in the Islamic Qur'an.

Sura 2:238-239 is mentioned on What Direction Do You Pray to Mecca in South America?.

Sura 2:238-239: Prayer in Religion: 6. Prayer in Islam.

Sura 2:238-239: See How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an.

Sura 2:238-239 is mentioned on How to Pray in Islam, According to the Qur'an: 2. Qur'an 3:191-4: Praying Posture.

Sura 2:286 comments: Monotheism and Free Will: God, Determinism and Fate: 4.2. Islam.

Sura 2:286 is discussed on Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 7. The Qur'an Say Muslims Cannot, and Should Not, Try to Convert Disbelievers.

2That is the Book, wherein is no doubt, a guidance to the godfearing
3who believe in the Unseen, and perform the prayer, and expend of that We have provided them;
4who believe in what has been sent down to thee and what has been sent down before thee, and have faith in the Hereafter;
5those are upon guidance from their Lord, those are the ones who prosper.
6As for the unbelievers, alike it is to them whether thou hast warned them or hast not warned them, they do not believe.
7God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a covering, and there awaits them a mighty chastisement.
8And some men there are who say, 'We believe in God and the Last Day'; but they are not believers.
9They would trick God and the believers, and only themselves they deceive, and they are not aware.
10In their hearts is a sickness, and God has increased their sickness, and there awaits them a painful chastisement for that they have cried lies.
11When it is said to them, 'Do not corruption in the land', they say, 'We are only ones that put things right.'
12Truly, they are the workers of corruption but they are not aware.
13When it is said to them, 'Believe as the people believe', they say, 'Shall we believe, as fools believe?' Truly, they are the foolish ones, but they do not know.
14When they meet those who believe, they say, 'We believe'; but when they go privily to their Satans, they say, 'We are with you; we were only mocking.'
15God shall mock them, and shall lead them on blindly wandering in their insolence.
16Those are they that have bought error at the price of guidance, and their commerce has not profited them, and they are not right-guided.
17The likeness of them is as the likeness of a man who kindled a fire, and when it lit all about him God took away their light, and left them in darkness unseeing
18deaf, dumb, blind -- so they shall not return;
19or as a cloudburst out of heaven in which is darkness, and thunder, and lightning -- they put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps, fearful of death; and God encompasses the unbelievers;
20the lightning wellnigh snatches away their sight; whensoever it gives them light, they walk in it, and when the darkness is over them, they halt; had God willed, He would have taken away their hearing and their sight. Truly, God is powerful over everything.
21O you men, serve your Lord Who created you, and those that were before you; haply so you will be godfearing;
22who assigned to you the earth for a couch, and heaven for an edifice, and sent down out of heaven water, wherewith He brought forth fruits for your provision; so set not up compeers to God wittingly.
23And if you are in doubt concerning that We have sent down on Our servant, then bring a sura like it, and call your witnesses, apart from God, if you are truthful.
24And if you do not -- and you will not -- then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for unbelievers.
25Give thou good tidings to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, that for them await gardens underneath which rivers flow; whensoever they are provided with fruits therefrom they shall say, 'This is that wherewithal we were provided before'; that they shall be given in perfect semblance; and there for them shall be spouses purified; therein they shall dwell forever.
26God is not ashamed to strike a similitude even of a gnat, or aught above it. As for the believers, they know it is the truth from their Lord; but as for unbelievers, they say, 'What did God desire by this for a similitude?' Thereby He leads many astray, and thereby He guides many; and thereby He leads none astray save the ungodly
27such as break the covenant of God after its solemn binding, and such as cut what God has commanded should be joined, and such as do corruption in the land -- they shall be the losers.
28How do you disbelieve in God, seeing you were dead and He gave you life, then He shall make you dead, then He shall give you life, then unto Him you shall be returned?
29It is He who created for you all that is in the earth, then He lifted Himself to heaven and levelled them seven heavens; and He has knowledge of everything.
30And when thy Lord said to the angels, 'I am setting in the earth a viceroy.' They said, 'What, wilt Thou set therein one who will do corruption there, and shed blood, while We proclaim Thy praise and call Thee Holy?' He said, 'Assuredly I know that you know not.'
31And He taught Adam the names, all of them; then He presented them unto the angels and said, 'Now tell Me the names of these, if you speak truly.'
32They said, 'Glory be to Thee! We know not save what Thou hast taught us. Surely Thou art the All-knowing, the All-wise.'
33He said, 'Adam, tell them their names.' And when he had told them their names He said, 'Did I not tell you I know the unseen things of the heavens and earth? And I know what things you reveal, and what you were hiding.'
34And when We said to the angels, 'Bow yourselves to Adam'; so they bowed themselves, save Iblis; he refused, and waxed proud, and so he became one of the unbelievers.
35And We said, 'Adam, dwell thou, and thy wife, in the Garden, and eat thereof easefully where you desire; but draw not nigh this tree, lest you be evildoers.'
36Then Satan caused them to slip therefrom and brought them out of that they were in; and We said, 'Get you all down, each of you an enemy of each; and in the earth a sojourn shall be yours, and enjoyment for a time.'
37Thereafter Adam received certain words from his Lord, and He turned towards him; truly He turns, and is All-compassionate.
38We said, 'Get you down out of it, all together; yet there shall come to you guidance from Me, and whosoever follows My guidance, no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
39As for the unbelievers who cry lies to Our signs, those shall be the inhabitants of the Fire, therein dwelling forever.'
40Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and fulfil My covenant and I shall fulfil your covenant; and have awe of Me.
41And believe in that I have sent down, confirming that which is with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And sell not My signs for a little price; and fear you Me.
42And do not confound the truth with vanity, and do not conceal the truth wittingly.
43And perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and bow with those that bow.
44Will you bid others to piety, and forget yourselves while you recite the Book? Do you not understand?
45Seek you help in patience and prayer, for grievous it is, save to the humble
46who reckon that they shall meet their Lord and that unto Him they are returning.
47Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings;
48and beware of a day when no soul for another shall give satisfaction, and no intercession shall be accepted from it, nor any counterpoise be taken, neither shall they be helped.
49And when We delivered you from the folk of Pharaoh who were visiting you with evil chastisement, slaughtering your sons, and sparing your women; and in that was a grievous trial from your Lord.
50And when We divided for you the sea and delivered you, and drowned Pharaoh's folk while you were beholding.
51And when We appointed with Moses forty nights then you took to yourselves the Calf after him and you were evildoers;
52then We pardoned you after that, that haply you should be thankful.
53And when We gave to Moses the Book and the Salvation, that haply you should be guided.
54And when Moses said to his people, 'My people, you have done wrong against yourselves by your taking the Calf; now turn to your Creator and slay one another. That will be better for you in your Creator's sight, and He will turn to you; truly He turns, and is All-compassionate.'
55And when you said, 'Moses, we will not believe thee till we see God openly'; and the thunderbolt took you while you were beholding.
56Then We raised you up after you were dead, that haply you should be thankful.
57And We outspread the cloud to overshadow you, and We sent down manna and quails upon you: 'Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you. And they worked no wrong upon Us, but themselves they wronged.
58And when We said, 'Enter this township, and eat easefully of it wherever you will, and enter in at the gate, prostrating, and say, Unburdening; We will forgive you your transgressio
59Then the evildoers substituted a saying other than that which had been said to them; so We sent down upon the evildoers wrath out of heaven for their ungodliness.
60And when Moses sought water for his people, so We said, 'Strike with thy staff the rock'; and there gushed forth from it twelve fountains; all the people knew now their drinking-place. 'Eat and drink of God's providing, and mischief not in the earth, doing corruption.'
61And when you said, 'Moses, we will not endure one sort of food; pray to thy Lord for us, that He may bring forth for us of that the earth produces - green herbs, cucumbers, corn, lenti
62Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry, and the Christians, and those Sabaeans, whoso believes in God and the Last Day, and works righteousness -- their wage awaits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them; neither shall they sorrow.
63And when We took compact with you, and raised above you the Mount: 'Take forcefully what We have given you, and remember what is in it; haply you shall be godfearing.'
64Then you turned away thereafter, and but for the bounty and mercy of God towards you, you had been of the losers.
65And well you know there were those among you that transgressed the Sabbath, and We said to them, 'Be you apes, miserably slinking!'
66And We made it a punishment exemplary for all the former times and for the latter, and an admonition to such as are godfearing.
67And when Moses said to his people, 'God commands you to sacrifice a cow.' They said, 'Dost thou take us in mockery?' He said, 'I take refuge with God, lest I should be one of the ignorant.'
68They said, 'Pray to thy Lord for us, that He may make clear to us what she may be.' He said, 'He says she is a cow neither old, nor virgin, middling between the two; so do that you are bidden.'
69They said, 'Pray to thy Lord for us, that He make clear to us what her colour may be.' He said, 'He says she shall be a golden cow, bright her colour, gladdening the beholders.'
70They said, 'Pray to thy Lord for us, that He make clear to us what she may be; cows are much alike to us; and, if God will, we shall then be guided.'
71He said, 'He says she shall be a cow not broken to plough the earth or to water the tillage, one kept secure, with no blemish on her.' They said, 'Now thou hast brought the truth'; and therefore they sacrificed her, a thing they had scarcely done.
72And when you killed a living soul, and disputed thereon -- and God disclosed what you were hiding --
73so We said, 'Smite him with part of it'; even so God brings to life the dead, and He shows you His signs, that haply you may have understanding.
74Then your hearts became hardened thereafter and are like stones, or even yet harder; for there are stones from which rivers come gushing, and others split, so that water issues from them, and others crash down in the fear of God. And God is not heedless of the things you do.
75Are you then so eager that they should believe you, seeing there is a party of them that heard God's word, and then tampered with it, and that after they had comprehended it, wittingly?
76And when they meet those who believe, they say 'We believe'; and when they go privily one to another, they say, 'Do you speak to them of what God has revealed to you, that they may thereby dispute with you before your Lord? Have you no understanding?'
77Know they not that God knows what they keep secret and what they publish?
78And some there are of them that are common folk not knowing the Book, but only fancies and mere conjectures.
79So woe to those who write the Book with their hands, then say, 'This is from God, ' that they may sell it for a little price; so woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for their earnings.
80And they say, 'The Fire shall not touch us save a number of days.' Say: 'Have you taken with God a covenant? God will not fail in His covenant; or say you things against God of which you know nothing?
81Not so; whoso earns evil, and is encompassed by his transgression -- those are the inhabitants of the Fire; there they shall dwell forever.
82And those that believe, and do deeds of righteousness -- those are the inhabitants of Paradise; there they shall dwell forever.'
83And when We took compact with the Children of Israel: 'You shall not serve any save God; and to be good to parents, and the near kinsman, and to orphans, and to the needy; and speak good to men, and perform the prayer, and pay the alms.' Then you turned away, all but a few of y
84And when We took compact with you: 'You shall not shed your own blood, neither expel your own from your habitations'; then you confirmed it and yourselves bore witness.
85Then there you are killing one another, and expelling a party of you from their habitations, conspiring against them in sin and enmity; and if they come to you as captives, you ransom them; yet their expulsion was forbidden you. What, do you believe in part of the Book, and disbelieve in part? What shall be the recompense of those of you who do that, but degradation in the present li
86Those who have purchased the present life at the price of the world to come -- for them the chastisement shall not be lightened, neither shall they be helped.
87And We gave to Moses the Book, and after him sent succeeding Messengers; and We gave Jesus son of Mary the clear signs, and confirmed him with the Holy Spirit; and whensoever there came to you a Messenger with that your souls had not desire for, did you become arrogant, and some cry lies to, and some slay?
88And they say, 'Our hearts are uncircumcised.' Nay, but God has cursed them for their unbelief; little will they believe.
89When there came to them a Book from God, confirming what was with them -- and they aforetimes prayed for victory over the unbelievers -- when there came to them that they recognized, they disbelieved in it; and the curse of God is on the unbelievers.
90Evil is the thing they have sold themselves for, disbelieving in that which God sent down, grudging that God should send down of His bounty on whomsoever He will of His servants, and they were laden with anger upon anger; and for unbelievers awaits a humbling chastisement.
91And when they were told, 'Believe in that God has sent down, ' they said, 'We believe in what was sent down on us'; and they disbelieve in what is beyond that, yet it is the truth confirming what is with them. Say: 'Why then were you slaying the Prophets of God in former time, if you were believers?'
92And Moses came to you with the clear signs, then you took to yourselves the Calf after him and you were evildoers.
93And when We took compact with you, and raised over you the Mount: 'Take forcefully what We have given you and give ear.' They said, 'We hear, and rebel'; and they were made to drink the Calf in their hearts for their unbelief. Say: 'Evil is the thing your faith bids you to, if you are believers.'
94Say: 'If the Last Abode with God is yours exclusively, and not for other people, then long for death -- if you speak truly.'
95But they will never long for it, because of that their hands have forwarded; God knows the evildoers;
96and thou shalt find them the eagerest of men for life. And of the idolaters; there is one of them wishes if he might be spared a thousand years, yet his being spared alive shall not remove him from the chastisement. God sees the things they do.
97Say: 'Whosoever is an enemy to Gabriel -- he it was that brought it down upon thy heart by the leave of God, confirming what was before it, and for a guidance and good tidings to the believers.
98Whosoever is an enemy to God and His angels and His Messengers, and Gabriel, and Michael - surely God is an enemy to the unbelievers.'
99And We have sent down unto thee signs, clear signs, and none disbelieves in them except the ungodly.
100Why, whensoever they have made a covenant, does a party of them reject it? Nay, but the most of them are unbelievers.
101When there has come to them a Messenger from God confirming what was with them, a party of them that were given the Book reject the Book of God behind their backs, as though they knew not,
102and they follow what the Satans recited over Solomon's kingdom. Solomon disbelieved not, but the Satans disbelieved, teaching the people sorcery, and that which was sent down upon Babylon's two angels, Harut and Marut; they taught not any man, without they said, 'We are but a temptation; do not disbelieve.' From them they learned how they might divide a man and his wi
103Yet had they believed, and been godfearing, a recompense from God had been better, if they had but known.
104O believers, do not say, 'Observe us, ' but say, 'Regard us'; and give ear; for unbelievers awaits a painful chastisement.
105Those unbelievers of the People of the Book and the idolaters wish not that any good should be sent down upon you from your Lord; but God singles out for His mercy whom He will; God is of bounty abounding.
106And for whatever verse We abrogate or cast into oblivion, We bring a better or the like of it; knowest thou not that God is powerful over everything?
107Knowest thou not that to God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and that you have none, apart from God, neither protector nor helper?
108Or do you desire to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned in former time? Whoso exchanges belief for unbelief has surely strayed from the right way.
109Many of the People of the Book wish they might restore you as unbelievers, after you have believed, in the jealousy of their souls, after the truth has become clear to them; yet do you pardon and be forgiving, till God brings His command; truly God is powerful over everything.
110And perform the prayer, and pay the alms; whatever good you shall forward to your souls' account, you shall find it with God; assuredly God sees the things you do.
111And they say, 'None shall enter Paradise except that they be Jews or Christians.' Such are their fancies. Say: 'Produce your proof, if you speak truly.'
112Nay, but whosoever submits his will to God, being a good-doer, his wage is with his Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
113The Jews say, 'The Christians stand not on anything'; the Christians say, 'The Jews stand not on anything'; yet they recite the Book. So too the ignorant say the like of them. God shall decide between them on the Day of Resurrection touching their differences.
114And who does greater evil than he who bars God's places of worship, so that His Name be not rehearsed in them, and strives to destroy them? Such men might never enter them, save in fear; for them is degradation in the present world, and in the world to come a mighty chastisement.
115To God belong the East and the West; whithersoever you turn, there is the Face of God; God is All-embracing, All-knowing.
116And they say, 'God has taken to Him a son. Glory be to Him! Nay, to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth; all obey His will --
117the Creator of the heavens and the earth; and when He decrees a thing, He but says to it 'Be, ' and it is.
118And they that know not say, 'Why does God not speak to us? Why does a sign not come to us?' So spoke those before them as these men say; their hearts are much alike. Yet We have made clear the signs unto a people who are sure
119We have sent thee with the truth, good tidings to bear, and warning. Thou shalt not be questioned touching the inhabitants of Hell.
120Never will the Jews be satisfied with thee, neither the Christians, not till thou followest their religion. Say: 'God's guidance is the true guidance.' If thou followest their caprices, after the knowledge that has come to thee, thou shalt have against God neither protector nor helper.
121Those to whom We have given the Book and who recite it with true recitation, they believe in it; and whoso disbelieves in it, they shall be the losers.
122Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings;
123and beware a day when no soul for another shall give satisfaction, and no counterpoise shall be accepted from it, nor any intercession shall be profitable to it, neither shall they be helped.
124And when his Lord tested Abraham with certain words, and he fulfilled them. He said, 'Behold, I make you a leader for the people.' Said he, 'And of my seed?' He said 'My covenant shall not reach the evildoers.'
125And when We appointed the House to be a place of visitation for the people, and a sanctuary, and: 'Take to yourselves Abraham's station for a place of prayer.' And We made covenant with Abraham and Ishmael: 'Purify My House for those that shall go about it and those that cleave to it, to those who bow and prostrate themselves.'
126And when Abraham said, 'My Lord, make this a land secure, and provide its people with fruits, such of them as believe in God and the Last Day.' He said, 'And whoso disbelieves, to him I shall give enjoyment a litt
127And when Abraham, and Ishmael with him, raised up the foundations of the House: 'Our Lord, receive this from us; Thou art the All-hearing, the All-knowing;
128and, our Lord, make us submissive to Thee, and of our seed a nation submissive to Thee; and show us our holy rites, and turn towards us; surely Thou turnest, and art All-compassionate;
129and, our Lord, do Thou send among them a Messenger, one of them, who shall recite to them Thy signs, and teach them the Book and the Wisdom, and purify them; Thou art the All-migh
130Who therefore shrinks from the religion of Abraham, except he be foolish-minded? Indeed, We chose him in the present world, and in the world to come he shall be among the righteous.
131When his Lord said to him, 'Surrender, ' he said, 'I have surrendered me to the Lord of all Being.'
132And Abraham charged his sons with this and Jacob likewise: 'My sons, God has chosen for you the religion; see that you die not save in surrender.'
133Why, were you witnesses, when death came to Jacob? When he said to his sons, 'What will you serve after me?' They said, 'We will serve thy God and the God of thy fathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, One God; to Him we surrender.'
134That is a nation that has passed away; there awaits them that they have earned, and there awaits you that you have earned; you shall not be questioned concerning the things they did.
135And they say, 'Be Jews or Christians and you shall be guided.' Say thou: 'Nay, rather the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith; he was no idolater.'
136Say you: 'We believe in God, and in that which has been sent down on us and sent down on Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, and the Tribes, and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and the Prophets, of their Lord; we make no division between any of th
137And if they believe in the like of that you believe in, then they are truly guided; but if they turn away, then they are clearly in schism; God will suffice you for them; He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing;
138the baptism of God; and who is there that baptizes fairer than God? Him we are serving.
139Say: 'Would you then dispute with us concerning God, who is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds belong to us, and to you belong your deeds; Him we serve sincerely.
140Or do you say, "Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, and the Tribes -- they were Jews, or they were Christians"?' Say: 'Have you then greater knowledge, or God? And who does greater evil than he who conceals a testimony received from God? And God is not heedless of the things you do.'
141That is a nation that has passed away; there awaits them that they have earned, and there awaits you that you have earned; you shall not be questioned concerning the things they did.
142The fools among the people will say, 'What has turned them from the direction they were facing in their prayers aforetime?' Say: "To God belong the East and the West; He guides whomsoever He will to a straight path.'
143Thus We appointed you a midmost nation that you might be witnesses to the people, and that the Messenger might be a witness to you; and We did not appoint the direction thou wast facing, except that We might know who followed the Messenger from him who turned on his heels -- though it were a grave thing save for those whom God has guided; but God would never leave your faith to waste - truly, God is All-gentle with the people, All-compassionate.
144We have seen thee turning thy face about in the heaven; now We will surely turn thee to a direction that shall satisfy thee. Turn thy face towards the Holy Mosque; and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it. Those who have been given the Book know it is the truth from their Lord; God is not heedless of the things they do.
145Yet if thou shouldst bring to those that have been given the Book every sign, they will not follow thy direction; thou art not a follower of their direction, neither are they followers of one another's direction. If thou followest their caprices, after the knowledge that has come to thee, then thou wilt surely be among the evildoers
146whom We have given the Book, and they recognize as they recognize their sons, even though there is a party of them conceal the truth and that wittingly.
147The truth comes from thy Lord; then be not among the doubters.
148Every man has his direction to which he turns; so be you forward in good works. Wherever you may be, God will bring you all together; surely God is powerful over everything.
149From whatsoever place thou issuest, turn thy face towards the Holy Mosque; it is the truth from thy Lord. God is not heedless of the things you do.
150From whatsoever place thou issuest, turn thy face towards the Holy Mosque; and wherever you may be, turn your faces towards it, that the people may not have any argument against you, excepting the evildoers of them; and fear you them not, but fear you Me; and that I may perfect My blessing upon you, and that haply so you may be guided;
151as also We have sent among you, of yourselves, a Messenger, to recite Our signs to you and to purify you, and to teach you the Book and the Wisdom, and to teach you that you knew not.
152So remember Me, and I will remember you; and be thankful to Me; and be you not ungrateful towards Me.
153O all you who believe, seek you help in patience and prayer; surely God is with the patient.
154And say not of those slain in God's way, 'They are dead'; rather they are living, but you are not aware.
155Surely We will try you with something of fear and hunger, and diminution of goods and lives and fruits; yet give thou good tidings unto the patient
156who, when they are visited by an affliction, say, 'Surely we belong to God, and to Him we return';
157upon those rest blessings and mercy from their Lord, and those -- they are the truly guided.
158Safa and Marwa are among the waymarks of God; so whosoever makes the Pilgrimage to the House, or the Visitation, it is no fault in him to circumambulate them; and whoso volunteers good, God is All-grateful, All-knowing
159Those who conceal the clear signs and the guidance that We have sent down, after We have shown them clearly in the Book -- they shall be cursed by God and the cursers,
160save such as repent and make amends, and show clearly -- towards them I shall turn; I turn, All-compassionate.
161But those who disbelieve, and die disbelieving -- upon them shall rest the curse of God and the angels, and of men altogether,
162therein dwelling forever; the chastisement shall not be lightened for them; no respite shall be given them.
163Your God is One God; there is no god but He, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate.
164.. Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day and the ship that runs in the sea with profit to men, and the water God sends down from heaven therewith reviving the earth after it is dead and His scattering abroad in it all manner of crawling thing, and the turning about of the winds and the clouds compelled between heaven and earth -- surely there are signs for a people having understanding.
165Yet there be men who take to themselves compeers apart from God, loving them as God is loved; but those that believe love God more ardently. O if the evildoers might see, when they see the chastisement, that the power altogether belongs to God, and that God is terrible in chastisement,
166when those that were followed disown their followers, and they see the chastisement, and their cords are cut asunder,
167and those that followed say, 'O if only we might return again and disown them, as they have disowned us!' Even so God shall show them their works. O bitter regrets for them! Never shall they issue from the Fire.
168O men, eat of what is in the earth lawful and good; and follow not the steps of Satan; he is a manifest foe to you.
169He only commands you to evil and indecency, and that you should speak against God such things as you know not.
170And when it is said to them, 'Follow what God has sent down, ' they say, 'No; but we will follow such things as we found our fathers doing.' What? And if their fathers had no understanding of anything, and if they were not guided?
171The likeness of those who disbelieve is as the likeness of one who shouts to that which hears nothing, save a call and a cry; deaf, dumb, blind -- they do not understand.
172O believers, eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and give thanks to God, if it be Him that you serve.
173These things only has He forbidden you: carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, what has been hollowed to other than God. Yet who so is constrained, not desiring nor transgressing, no sin shall be on him; God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
174Those who conceal what of the Book God has sent down on them, and sell it for a little price - they shall eat naught but the Fire in their bellies; God shall not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection neither purify them; there awaits them a painful chastisement.
175Those are they that have bought error at the price of guidance, and chastisement at the price of pardon; how patiently they shall endure the Fire!
176That, because God has sent down the Book with the truth; and those that are at variance regarding the Book are in wide schism.
177It is not piety, that you turn your faces to the East and to the West. True piety is this: to believe in God, and the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the Prophets, to give of one's substan
178O believers, prescribed for you is retaliation, touching the slain; freeman for freeman, slave for slave, female for female. But if aught is pardoned a man by his brother, let the pursuing be honourable, and let the payment be with kindliness. That is a lightening granted you by your Lo
179In retaliation there is life for you, men possessed of minds; haply you will be godfearing.
180Prescribed for you, when any of you is visited by death, and he leaves behind some goods, is to make testament in favour of his parents and kinsmen honourably -- an obligation on the godfearing.
181Then if any man changes it after hearing it, the sin shall rest upon those who change it; surely God is All-hearing, All-knowing.
182But if any man fears injustice or sin from one making testament, and so makes things right between them, then sin shall not rest upon him; surely God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
183O believers, prescribed for you is the Fast, even as it was prescribed for those that were before you -- haply you will be godfearing --
184for days numbered; and if any of you be sick, or if he be on a journey, then a number of other days; and for those who are able to fast, a redemption by feeding a poor man. Yet better it is for him who volunteers good, and that you should fast is better for you, if you but know;
185the month of Ramadan, wherein the Koran was sent down to be a guidance to the people, and as clear signs of the Guidance and the Salvation. So let those of you, who are present at the month, fast it; and if any of you be sick, or if he be on a journey, then a number of other days; God desires ease for y
186And when My servants question thee concerning Me -- I am near to answer the call of the caller, when he calls to Me; so let them respond to Me, and let them believe in Me; haply so they will go aright.
187Permitted to you, upon the night of the Fast, is to go in to your wives; -- they are a vestment for you, and you are a vestment for them. God knows that you have been betraying yourselves, and has turned to you and pardoned you. So now lie with them, and seek what God has prescribed for you. And eat and drink, until the white thread shows clearly to you from the black thread at the dawn; then complete the Fast unto the nig
188Consume not your goods between you in vanity; neither proffer it to the judges, that you may sinfully consume a portion of other men's goods, and that wittingly.
189They will question thee concerning the new moons. Say: 'They are appointed times for the people, and the Pilgrimage.' It is not piety to come to the houses from the backs of them; but piety is to be godfearing; so come to the houses by their doors, and fear God; haply so you will prosper.
190And fight in the way of God with those; who fight with you, but aggress not: God loves not the aggressors.
191And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them -- such is the recompense of unbelievers --
192but if they give over, surely God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
193Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is God's; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers.
194The holy month for the holy month; holy things demand retaliation. Whoso commits aggression against you, do you commit aggression against him like as he has committed against you, and fear you God, and know that God is with the godfearing.
195And expend in the way of God; and cast not yourselves by your own hands into destruction, but be good-doers; God loves the good-doers.
196Fulfil the Pilgrimage and the Visitation unto God; but if you are prevented, then such offering as may be feasible. And shave not your heads, till the offering reaches its place of sacrifice. If any of you is sick, or injured in his head, then redemption by fast, or freewill offering, or ritual sacrifice. When you are secu
197The Pilgrimage is in months well-known; whoso undertakes the duty of Pilgrimage in them shall not go in to his womenfolk nor indulge in ungodliness and disputing in the Pilgrimage. Whatever good you do, God knows it. And take provision; but the best provision is godfearing, so fear you Me, men possessed of minds!
198It is no fault in you, that you should seek bounty from your Lord; but when you press on from Arafat, then remember God at the Holy Waymark, and remember Him as He has guided you, though formerly you were gone astray.
199Then press on from where the people press on, and pray for God's forgiveness; God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
200And when you have performed your holy rites remember God, as you remember your fathers or yet more devoutly. Now some men there are who say, 'Our Lord, give to us in this world'; such men shall have no part in the world to come.
201And others there are who say, 'Our Lord, give to us in this world good, and good in the world to come, and guard us against the chastisement of the fire';
202those -- they shall have a portion from what they have earned; and God is swift at the reckoning.
203And remember God during certain days numbered. If any man hastens on in two days, that is no sin in him; and if any delays, it is not a sin in him, if he be godfearing. And fear you God, and know that unto Him you shall be mustered.
204And some men there are whose saying upon the present world pleases thee, and such a one calls on God to witness what is in his heart, yet he is most stubborn in altercation,
205and when he turns his back, he hastens about the earth, to do corruption there and to destroy the tillage and the stock; and God loves not corruption;
206and when it is said to him, 'Fear God', vainglory seizes him in his sin. So Gehenna shall be enough for him -- how evil a cradling!
207But other men there are that sell themselves desiring God's good pleasure; and God is gentle with His servants.
208O believers, enter the peace, all of you, and follow not the steps of Satan; he is a manifest foe to you.
209But if you slip, after the clear signs have come to you, know then that God is All-mighty, All-wise.
210What do they look for, but that God shall come to them in the cloud -- shadows, and the angels? The matter is determined, and unto God all matters are returned.
211Ask the Children of Israel how many a clear sign We gave them. Whoso changes God's blessing after it has come to him, God is terrible in retribution.
212Decked out fair to the unbelievers is the present life, and they deride the believers; but those who were godfearing shall be above them on the Resurrection Day; and God provides whomsoever He will without reckoning.
213The people were one nation; then God sent forth the Prophets, good tidings to bear and warning, and He sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might decide between the people touching their differences; and only those who had been given it were at variance upon it, after the clear signs had come to them, being insolent one to another; then God guided those who believed to the truth, touching which they were at variance, by His leave; and God guides whomsoever He will to a straight path.
214Or did you suppose you should enter Paradise without there had come upon you the like of those who passed away before you? They were afflicted by misery and hardship and were so convulsed, that the Messenger and those who believed with him said, 'When comes God's help?' Ah, but surely God's help is nigh.
215They will question thee concerning what they should expend. Say: 'Whatsoever good you expend is for parents and kinsmen, orphans, the needy, and the traveller; and whatever good you may do, God has knowledge of it.'
216Prescribed for you is fighting, though it be hateful to you. Yet it may happen that you will hate a thing which is better for you; and it may happen that you will love a thing which is worse for you; God knows, and you know not.
217They will question thee concerning the holy month, and fighting in it. Say: 'Fighting in it is a heinous thing, but to bar from God's way, and disbelief in Him, and the Holy Mosque, and to expel its people from it -- that is more heinous in God's sight; and persecution is more heinous than slaying.' They will not cease to fight with you, till they turn you from your religion, if they are able; and whosoever of you turns from his religion, and dies disbelieving -- their works have failed in this world and the next; those are the inhabitants of the Fire; therein they shall dwell forever.
218But the believers, and those who emigrate and struggle in God's way -- those have hope of God's compassion; and God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
219They will question thee concerning wine, and arrow-shuffling. Say: 'In both is heinous sin; and uses for men, but the sin in them is more heinous than the usefulness.' They will question thee concerning what they should expend. Say: 'The abundance.' So God makes clear His signs to you; haply you will reflect;
220in this world, and the world to come. They will question thee concerning the orphans. Say: 'To set their affairs aright is good. And if you intermix with them, they are your brothers. God knows well him who works corruption from him who sets aright; and had He willed He would have harassed you. Surely God is All-mighty, All-wise.'
221Do not marry idolatresses, until they believe; a believing slavegirl is better than an idolatress, though you may admire her. And do not marry idolaters, until they believe. A believing slave is better than an idolater, though you may admire him. Those call unto the Fire; and God calls unto Paradise, and pardon, by His lea
222They will question thee concerning the monthly course. Say: 'It is hurt; so go apart from women during the monthly course, and do not approach them till they are clean. When they have cleansed themselves, then come unto them as God has commanded you.' Truly, God loves those who repent, and He loves those who cleanse themselves.
223Your women are a tillage for you; so come unto your tillage as you wish, and forward for your souls; and fear God, and know that you shall meet Him. Give thou good tidings to the believers.
224Do not make God a hindrance, through your oaths, to being pious and godfearing, and putting things right between men. Surely God is All-hearing, All-knowing.
225God will not take you to task for a slip in your oaths; but He will take you to task for what your hearts have earned; and God is All-forgiving, All-clement.
226For those who forswear their women a wait of four months; if they revert, God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate;
227but if they resolve on divorce, surely God is All-hearing, All-knowing.
228Divorced women shall wait by themselves for three periods; and it is not lawful for them to hide what God has created in their wombs; if they believe in God and the Last Day. In such time their mates have better right to restore them, if they desire to set things right. Women have such honourable rights as obligations, but their men have a degree above them; God is All-mighty, All-wise.
229Divorce is twice; then honourable retention or setting free kindly. It is not lawful for you to take of what you have given them unless the couple fear they may not maintain God's bounds; if you fear they may not maintain God's bounds, it is no fault in them for her to redeem herself. Those are God's bounds; do not transgress them. Whosoever transgresses the bounds of God -- those are the evildoers.
230If he divorces her finally, she shall not be lawful to him after that, until she marries another husband. If he divorces her, then it is no fault in them to return to each other, if they suppose that they will maintain God's bounds. Those are God's bounds; He makes them clear unto a people that have knowledge.
231When you divorce women, and they have reached their term, then retain them honourably or set them free honourably; do not retain them by force, to transgress; whoever does that has wronged himself. Take not God's signs in mockery, and remember God's blessing upon you, and the Book and the Wisdom He has sent down on you, to admonish you. And fear G
232When you divorce women, and they have reached their term, do not debar them from marrying their husbands, when they have agreed together honourably. That is an admonition for whoso of you believes in God and the Last Day; that is cleaner and purer for you; God knows, and you know not.
233Mothers shall suckle their children two years completely, for such as desire to fulfil the suckling. It is for the father to provide them and clothe them honourably. No soul is charged save to its capacity; a mother shall not be pressed for her child, neither a father for his child. The heir has a like duty. But if the couple desire by mutual consent and consultation to wean, then it is no fault in them. And if you desire to seek nursing for your children, it is no fault in you provide you hand over what you have given honourably; and fear God, and know that God sees the things you do.
234And those of you who die, leaving wives, they shall wait by themselves for four months and ten nights; when they have reached their term then it is no fault in you what they may do with themselves honourably. God is aware of the things you do.
235There is no fault in you touching the proposal to women you offer, or hide in your hearts; God knows that you will be mindful of them; but do not make troth with them secretly without you speak honourable words. And do not resolve on the knot of marriage until the book has reached its term; and know that God knows what in your hearts, so be fearful of Him; and know that God is All-forgiving, All-clement.
236There is no fault in you, if you divorce women while as yet you have not touched them nor appointed any marriage-portion for them; yet make provision for them, the affluent man according to his means, and according to his means the needy man, honourably -- an obligation on the good-doers.
237And if you divorce them before you have touched them, and you have already appointed for them a marriage-portion, then one-half of what you have appointed, unless it be they make remission, or he makes remission in whose hand is the knot of marriage; yet that you should remit is nearer to godfearing. Forget not to be bountiful one towards another. Surely God sees the things you do.
238Be you watchful over the prayers, and the middle prayer; and do you stand obedient to God.
239And if you are in fear, then afoot or mounted; but when you are secure, then remember God, as He taught you the things that you knew not.
240And those of you who die, leaving wives, let them make testament for their wives, provision for a year without expulsion; but if they go forth, there is no fault in you what they may do with themselves honourably; God is All-mighty, All-wise.
241There shall be for divorced women provision honourable -- an obligation on the godfearing.
242So God makes clear His signs for you; haply you will understand.
243Hast thou not regarded those who went forth from their habitations in their thousands fearful of death? God said to them, 'Die!' Then He gave them life. Truly God is bounteous to the people, but most of the people are not thankful.
244So fight in God's way, and know that God is All-hearing, All-knowing.
245Who is he that will lend God a good loan, and He will multiply it for him manifold? God grasps, and outspreads; and unto Him you shall be returned.
246Hast thou not regarded the Council of the Children of Israel, after Moses, when they said to a Prophet of theirs, 'Raise up for us a king, and we will fight in God's way.' He said, 'Might it be that, if fighting is prescribed for y
247Then their Prophet said to them, 'Verily God has raised up Saul for you as king.' They said, 'How should he be king over us who have better right than he to kingship, seeing he has not been given amplitude of wealth?' He said, 'God has chosen him over you, and has increased him broadly in knowledge and body. God gives the kingship to whom He will; and God is All-embracing, All-knowing.'
248And their Prophet said to them, 'The sign of his kingship is that the Ark will come to you, in it a Shechina from your Lord, and a remnant of what the folk of Moses and Aaron's folk left behind, the angels bearing it. Surely in that shall be a sign for you, if you are believers.'
249And when Saul went forth with the hosts he said, 'God will try you with a river; whosoever drinks of it is not of me, and whoso tastes it flot, he is of me, saving him who scoops up with his hand.' But they drank of it, except a few of them; and when he crossed it, and those who believed with h
250So, when they went forth against Goliath and his hosts, they said, 'Our Lord, pour out upon us patience, and make firm our feet, and give us aid against the people of the unbelievers!'
251And they routed them, by the leave of God, and David slew Goliath; and God gave him the kingship, and Wisdom, and He taught him such as He willed. Had God not driven back the people, some by the means of others, the earth had surely corrupted; but God is bounteous unto all beings.
252These are the signs of God We recite to thee in truth, and assuredly thou art of the number of the Envoys.
253And those Messengers, some We have preferred above others; some there are to whom God spoke, and some He raised in rank. And We gave Jesus son of Mary the clear signs, and confirmed him with the Holy Spirit. And had God willed, those who came after him would not have fought one against the other after the clear signs had come to them; but they fell into variance, and some of them believed, and some disbelieved; and had God willed they would not have fought one against the other; but God does whatsoever He desires.
254O believers, expend of that wherewith We have provided you, before there comes a day wherein shall be neither traffick, nor friendship, nor intercession; and the unbelievers -- they are the evildoers.
255God there is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His Throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-high, the All-glorious.
256No compulsion is there in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error. So whosoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, unbreaking; God is All-hearing, All-knowing.
257God is the Protector of the believers; He brings them forth from the shadows into the light. And the unbelievers -- their protectors are idols, that bring them forth from the light into the shadows; those are the inhabitants of the Fire, therein dwelling forever.
258Hast thou not regarded him who disputed with Abraham, concerning his Lord, that God had given him the kingship? When Abraham said, 'My Lord is He who gives life, and makes to die, ' he said, 'I give li
259Or such as he who passed by a city that was fallen down upon its turrets; he said, 'How shall God give life to this now it is dead?' So God made him die a hundred years, then He raised him up, saying, 'How long hast thou tarried?' He said, 'I have tarried a day, or part of a day.' Said
260And when Abraham said, 'My Lord, show me how Thou wilt give life to the dead, ' He said, 'Why, dost thou not believe?' 'Yes, ' he sa
261The likeness of those who expend their wealth in the way of God is as the likeness of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. So God multiplies unto whom He will; God is All-embracing, All-knowing.
262Those who expend their wealth in the way of God then follow not up what they have expended with reproach and injury, their wage is with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
263Honourable words, and forgiveness, are better than a freewill offering followed by injury; and God is All-sufficient, All-clement.
264O believers, void not your freewill offerings with reproach and injury, as one who expends of his substance to show off to men and believes not in God and the Last Day. The likeness of him is as the likeness of a smooth rock on which is soil, and a torrent smites it, and leaves it barren. They have no power over anything that they have earned. God guides not the people of the unbelievers.
265But the likeness of those who expend their wealth, seeking God's good pleasure, and to confirm themselves, is as the likeness of a garden upon a hill; a torrent smites it and it yields its produce twofold; if no torrent smites it, yet dew; and God sees the things you do.
266Would any of you wish to have a garden of palms and vines, with rivers flowing beneath it, and all manner of fruit there for him, then old age smites him, and he has seed, but weaklings, then a whirlwind with fire smites
267O believers, expend of the good things you have earned, and of that We have produced for you from the earth, and intend not the corrupt of it for your expending; for you would never take it yourselves, except you closed an eye on it; and know that God is All-sufficient, All-laudable.
268Satan promises you poverty, and bids you unto indecency; but God promises you His pardon and His bounty; and God is All-embracing, All-knowing.
269He gives the Wisdom to whomsoever He will, and whoso is given the Wisdom, has been given much good; yet none remembers but men possessed of minds.
270And whatever expenditure you expend, and whatever vow you vow, surely God knows it. No helpers have the evildoers.
271If you publish your freewill offerings, it is excellent; but if you conceal them, and give them to the poor, that is better for you, and will acquit you of your evil deeds; God is aware of the things you do.
272Thou art not responsible for guiding them; but God guides whomsoever He will. And whatever good you expend is for yourselves, for then you are expending, being desirous only of God's Face; and whatever good you expend shall be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged,
273it being for the poor who are restrained in the way of God, and are unable to journey in the land; the ignorant man supposes them rich because of their abstinence, but thou shalt know them by their mark -- they do not beg of men importunately. And whatever good you expend, surely God has knowledge of it.
274Those who expend their wealth night and day, secretly and in public, their wage awaits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
275Those who devour usury shall not rise again except as he rises, whom Satan of the touch prostrates; that is because they say, 'Trafficking (trade) is like usury.' God has permitted trafficking, and forbidden usury. Whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and gives over, he shall have his past gains, and his affair is committed to God; but whosoever reverts -- those are the inhabitants of the Fire, therein dwelling forever.
276God blots out usury, but freewill offerings He augments with interest. God loves not any guilty ingrate.
277Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, and perform the prayer, and pay the alms -- their wage awaits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.
278O believers, fear you God; and give up the usury that is outstanding, if you are believers.
279But if you do not, then take notice that God shall war with you, and His Messenger; yet if you repent, you shall have your principal, unwronging and unwronged.
280And if any man should be in difficulties, let him have respite till things are easier; but that you should give freewill offerings is better for you, did you but know.
281And fear a day wherein you shall be returned to God, and every soul shall be paid in full what it has earned; and they shall not be wronged.
282O believers, when you contract a debt one upon another for a stated term, write it down, and let a writer write it down between you justly, and let not any writer refuse to write it down, as God has taught him; so let him write, and let the debtor dicta
283And if you are upon a journey, and you do not find a writer, then a pledge in hand. But if one of you trusts another, let him who is trusted deliver his trust, and let him fear God his Lord. And do not conceal the testimony; whoso conceals it, his heart is sinful; and God has knowledge of the things you do.
284To God belongs all that is in the heavers and earth. Whether you publish what is in your hearts or hide it, God shall make reckoning with you for it. He will forgive whom He will, and chastise whom He will; God is powerful over everything.
285The Messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and the believers; each one believes in God and His angels, and in His Books and His Messengers; we make no division between any one of His Messengers. They say, 'We hear, and obey. Our Lord, grant us Thy forgiveness; unto Thee is the homecoming.'
286God charges no soul save to its capacity; standing to its account is what it has earned, and against its account what it has merited. Our Lord, take us not to task if we forget, or make mistake. Our Lord; charge us not with a load such as Thou didst lay upon those before us. Our Lord, do Thou not burden us beyond what we have the strength to bear. And pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us; Thou art our Protector. And help us against the people of the unbelievers.