The Human Truth Foundation

Sura 89 of the Qur'an

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Title: Al-Fajr
English: The Dawn
Location: Makkah

Traditional Order:
< Sura 88 (Al-Ghashiya - The Overwhelming)
> Sura 90 (Al-Balad - The City)

Chronological Order:
< Sura 92 (Al-Lail - The Night)
> Sura 93 (Ad-Dhuha - The Morning Hours)

Verses: 30

1By the dawn
2and ten nights,
3by the even and the odd,
4by the night when it journeys on!
5Is there in that an oath for a mindful man?
6Hast thou not seen how thy Lord did with Ad,
7Iram of the pillars,
8the like of which was never created in the land,
9and Thamood, who hollowed the rocks in the valley,
10and Pharaoh, he of the tent-pegs,
11who all were insolent in the land
12and worked much corruption therein?
13Thy Lord unloosed on them a scourge of chastisement;
14surely thy Lord is ever on the watch.
15As for man, whenever his Lord tries him, and honours him, and blesses him, then he says, 'My Lord has honoured me.'
16But when he tries him and stints for him his provision, then he says, 'My Lord has despised me.'
17No indeed; but you honour not the orphan,
18and you urge not the feeding of the needy,
19and you devour the inheritance greedily,
20and you love wealth with an ardent love
21No indeed! When the earth is ground to powder,
22and thy Lord comes, and the angels rank on rank,
23and Gehenna is brought out, upon that day man will remember; and how shall the Reminder be for him?
24He shall say, 'O would that I had forwarded for my life!'
25Upon that day none shall chastise as He chastises,
26none shall bind as He binds.
27'O soul at peace,
28return unto thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing!
29Enter thou among My servants!
30Enter thou My Paradise!'