The Human Truth Foundation

The 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (Originally from the Trei Asar)

By Vexen Crabtree 2018

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Prev section: The Major Prophets.

Next section: The Gospels.

The 8th part of the Hebrew holy text the Nevi'im is called the Trei Asar (The Twelve), and from it the Christians extracted the 12 books of the Old Testament that are together known as the Minor Prophets. They are not chronological and they are collected together as 'minor' prophets simply because they are shorter than the 'major' prophets1. The Hebrews wrote a great number of religious texts; the reason that 12 in particular were selected is because religious scribes would create collections of 12 wherever possible, as it was considered a magical number2. Here is a brief introduction to each of those 12 books.

1. The Book of Hōshea / Hosea / Osee

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Written around the 8th century BCE3, Hosea wrote this book to defend his choice to marry Gomer, who was perpetually short of morals. There are variant copies of this book in history, and it's not entire sure what the original text should be even in the oldest copies, also, over time, some editorial comments have ended up inserted into the text itself, and some original words were unreadable and/or have been mangled4. To give the whole text religious depth, some now say that it is actually about God's relationship with humans and how it patiently puts up with the immorality it created in us (specifically Israel3), but, it is somewhat likely the text is simply Hosea's own justification for his choice of wife. This is made more obvious by Hosea 1:2 and Hosea 3:1 which have God happy for Hosea to accept a fornicator and an adulteress: Neither person are acceptable partners for god-loving humans anywhere else in the Bible, in the OT nor NT. They're fine in Hosea, because of Hosea's motivations for writing the text.

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2. The Book of Yō´el / Joel

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A dramatic book about locusts sent as an army from God (Joel 2:25) and the resulting famine, and a promise that God rewards successful and upstanding people with national success. However in the modern world countries with the most stable food supplies are also the least Christian, making Joel's warning that believers must trust God in order to prevent famines somewhat contradictory to reality. It is difficult to tell if Joel is talking of real or metaphorical events, and because of this and the book's shortness, it is very difficult to date its authorship although some academics say it was written in the 4th century BCE3. It doesn't refer to identifiable historical events, people nor places, and, there were many locust swarms throughout the region. There is some uncertainty about the original text, and some versions of the Bible have Joel as 3 chapters long, others 45. The predictability and ubiquitousness of the book's central message (wail and cry when fate is unkind - trust God, and things will get better) means this is a rather pointless book, and it is rarely discussed by scholars nor believers.

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3. The Book of Amōs / Amos

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Although edited by many authors into many versions, some of this text does appear to come from Amos himself in the 8th century BCE3. Yet again, the text says God will punish the gentile (non-Jewish) nations, but, that God will continue to punish the Hebrews too, if they don't repent. God promises to restore god-fearing nations to success and glory. This message is repeated through five different repetitive visions from God that Amos says he had, each giving the same message that Amos himself was giving.

Worryingly, some of structure and content appears to be copied from older stories and songs6, meaning ,that the visions themselves are possibly rewrites of older stories, and not genuine revelations to Amos. One of the sources look to be one of the Sumerian city laments7, possibly dating to at least a few hundred years before the time of AmosBCE8.

It may be that Amos is a collection of stories and songs, retold under the guise of a single prophet; this would explain why the ending is so sudden and abrupt that many indicate it as being a clear addition by a later editor in order to attempt to end the text in a storylike manner.

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4. The Book of `ōbhadhyah / Obadiah / Abdias

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The shortest book in the Old Testament, probably written in the 5th century BCE9, but maybe in the 6th. It ends with yet-another prophecy that Zion will rise to glory9, but, its main thrust is to insult the heathen nation of Edom, which was an area populated at least since the Iron Age, and whose Kings are mentioned in Genesis 36:31-43. The anonymous author says it is prideful because it is mountainous and that it is small and widely hated (Obadiah 1:2). Judea at one point invaded and took over Edom, and since then ruled it and appointed its leaders. Relations were not good; when Jerusalem was defeated by King Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century BCE, the Edomites joined in with looting Jerusalem (Obadiah 1:11-15), no doubt rejoicing in being free of their vassal status.

But, Hebrew theology had developed the idea that all of the nations were founded by various Hebrews and Esau had created Edom. Although historically untrue, this led Obadiah to the expectation that Edom would help defend Judea, hence, he was distraught that they didn't. He declares that Edom will be judged by God and destroyed (Obadiah 1:3-4,8-9,18-19)9.

Not much of the text holds true. Firstly, in Obadiah 15 it says the day of the Lord is near, where all nations will be judged by God - clearly, it's clear that this never happened, and thousands of years later the New Testament still has to say the same thing. Also, the moral judgement of Obadiah is hollow because Edom was also attacked, but Judea didn't help them either. The Hebrews didn't rise up and take arms against Edom as demanded in Obadiah 1:1 and Edom wasn't wiped out as promised in Obadiah 1:18. As Judea and Edom were weakened by the Babylonians, the Edomites moved northwards, settling in southern Judea (the opposite of what Obadiah wanted), where they became known in Greek as the Idumeans.

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5. The Book of Yōnah / Jonah / Jonas

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God threatens to punish the city of Nineveh with destruction, but Jonah didn't want to preach that message, because he knew it unlikely to happen (Jonah 4:1-2). He attempts to flee. God punishes him at sea with a terrible storm. The men of the boat threw him overboard to save themselves and God makes a monstrous fish eat him and then regurgitate him three days later. The men aboard the boat were forgiven because they feared God and made a sacrifice. The teachings are, of course, that God punishes those who are disobedient and rewards those who are obedient, and if you do something terrible like murder someone at sea then all is well as long as you fear God. Jonah is finally bullied into preaching the message - and God does indeed decide not to destroy the city anyway (Jonah 3:9-10), making Jonah into a false prophet. The final message is that if you are in an unequal relationship, it is best to simply do as you are told, else, things will only end up harder for you. It's not the Bible's finest moment.

Despite those awful morals, this is a popular book and is primarily used by Christians to showcase how forgiving God is for not destroying a city full of people.

Historically, the book lacks legitimacy10,11. Nineveh was the capital of the great Assyrian empire, a trading hub, and even after its decline, many came to visit it. At no point did the events of Jonah 3:5-10 actually occur - not a single trader, traveller, statesman or historian note that the entire population suddenly gave up its old ways, embraced a new religion, and transformed itself away from its previous behaviours.

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6. The Book of Mikhayah / Micah / Michael

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Micah was a countryman who lived in Judea somewhere west of Hebron during the years 721-701BCE12, and called for an uprising against the rich and powerful in the cities of Jerusalem and Samaria, who were abusing the poor. A leader will emerge from Bethlehem with seven other shepherds beside him, and march to victory especially against the Assyrians: corrupt rulers will be punished and the Hebrews (and Jerusalem) will rise to power and glory13 and cause all nations to stop fighting and live in peace (Micah 4:3-4).

In addition to the first three original chapters that may well have been by Micah himself, there's also a series of editorial notes and contradictory ideas, including inconsistent prophecies and predictions, added in the middle, and then, two chapters (6-7) added during the time of Manasseh. "Many hands appear to have contributed... and the voices or two or three centuries may be heard in it"14.

Micah was influential enough in his time that 100 years later, Jewish elders note that the prophecy remains unfulfilled (Jeremiah 26:17)15. Matthew interpreted Micah to mean that the son-of-God would be born in Bethlehem16 and Micah has been much-loved by Christians ever since; the vast majority of Jews remained unconvinced however, as Jesus didn't fulfil most (or any) of what was prophesized here12.

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7. The Book of NaḤum / Nahum

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As in the book of Jonah, Nahum contains continued prophecies that the city of Nineveh is doomed, and that God is so great he can overthrow the wicked, and, Nineveh will be looted, and, that the people of Nineveh are wicked. How many more prophecies there were before Nineveh fell we do not know, but, all nations eventually fall so the prophets just have to wait for prophetic success and hope it occurs in their own lifetimes to enjoy the acclaim!

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8. The Book of Ḥabhaqquq / Habakkuk / Habacuc

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After a long series of prophets promise again and again that god is going to punish their neighbours for the unbelief, God again promises to deliver "justice" but rather than do it itself, God says that the brutal and idolatrous Chaldeans will be the instrument of justice. It is a case of "my enemy's enemy is my friend" although the author of this book says God will still reward those of the Chaldeans who are righteous. It is hard to see what morals or teachings there are in these wars between the Hebrews and their neighbours other than that it pays to be on the winning side, whether or not the winners are Jehovah-fearers!

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9. The Book of Zekharyah / Zephaniah / Sophonias

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This text starts with prophecies and daydreaming about the doom and destruction not of the Hebrew's enemies, but, of Judah and Jerusalem. After this, it continues with prophecies about the doom of some of their neighbours. Then has some more about the judgment of Jerusalem. As is common, God is said to promise to reward the faithful.

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10. The Book of Haggai / Aggeus

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This very short text by an anonymous and unknown author writing in 520BCE17 demands that his unpaid workers carry on building the Temple else he will call for a drought from God (Haggai 1:11). He says that the people are not working hard enough for the priests17. God, says Haggai, says the temple will be completed17! In a strangely primitive part of the text (Haggai 2:6-8), God says that it shakes the ground and claims ownership of silver and gold.

The text states that Haggai is a prophet, but, other than Ezra 5:1,14, Haggai is not mentioned by any writer or historian of the era. It's clear his sole purpose was to drive the workers, and calling himself a prophet was part of the effort to make himself more influential for that effect.

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11. The Book of Zekharyah / Zechariah / Zacharias

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The first 8 chapters of the book of Zechariah may well have been written by the prophet of that name in the 6th century BCE, but, it was later edited and entire chapters added. The book sees the idea of sin as an independent source, represented by Satan (3:1-2). The author describes visions being sent to him by God wherein Jerusalem and Zion are restored to glory, in order to encourage the people to keep rebuilding the destroyed Temple.

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12. The Book of Mal´akhi / Malachi / Malachias

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The author says that God loves Israel, but, the people are too sinful. The priests are not working well enough either. One day soon, God is finally going to judge everyone. The people, in particular, are not giving enough of their income to the priests (says God).

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