Main page:
Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)Human Truth Foundation pages (34):
The Al-Muwaḥḥidūn (Druze), in the following sections:
When Was Jesus Born? What Year, and Which Day?, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Russia, in the following sections:
The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, in the following sections:
Which are the Best Countries in the Middle East?
Lebanon (Lebanese Republic): 1. Overview
Israel (State of Israel): 1. Overview
China (People's Republic of China): 4. Human Rights, Equality & Tolerance
Religion Versus Womankind: 7. Honour Killings
Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger: 1.1. How Many Muslims are there in Europe?
Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues: 4. Denominations
1st Century Christian Ebionites: The Original Christians?: 3. The Gospel of Matthew
Mithraism and Early Christianity: 5. A Solar Cult: Sunday as the Day of Worship, and December 25th
Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan)
Human Rights and Freedom in China
Islamic Denominations, Schools, Movements and Groups: 7. Salafi (19th century)
The Nasorean Mandaeans / Sabians: 1. History
Freedom of Expression: 4. Opposition to Free Expression
Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey: 1. Turkey's Human Rights, Equality & Tolerance
Human Rights and Freedom in Syria
Human Rights and Freedom in Germany
Russia Against Europe: 2. Russian Revanchism and Power-Games in Syria
Which Country in Europe Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants?: 3. Muslim Immigrants
Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism: 3.1. The Main Branches of Extremism in Islam