Main page:
Afghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan)Human Truth Foundation pages (24):
Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance, in the following sections:
Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in the following sections:
USA: Supporting Obnoxious Regimes, in the following sections:
Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism, in the following sections:
Why People Hate the USA: A Summary of Anti-Americanism, in the following sections:
The Battle Between Monotheism and Homosexuality: Religious Prejudice Versus Equality: 3.4. Islam
Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues: 4. Denominations
Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger: 1.1. How Many Muslims are there in Europe?
Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 3. Apostasy
Satan and The Devil in World Religions: 2.1. Zoroastrianism (Ahriman)
The Worst of the Modern Mass Media: 4.4. The Embrace of Ignorance
Uniforce: An International Military Force: 2.3. Criticisms of R2P
Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan): 1. Overview
Honour Killings: 3.5. Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon
Science and Religion: 5. Belief in Evolution
Belief in the Theory of Evolution Versus Religious Faith
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Afghanistan: 4.1. LGBT Equality
Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey: 1. Turkey's Human Rights, Equality & Tolerance
Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance?
Islamic Denominations, Schools, Movements and Groups: 8. Deobandi (1866CE)
Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):