Pages Tagged with #theosophy

Main page:


Human Truth Foundation pages (13):

Eckankar: The Religion of the Light and Sound of God, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel, in the following sections:

The New Age, in the following sections:

Nothing New: Religions Evolve From Previous Religions, in the following sections:

Dreams, Religion and Magic: A Long History of Misunderstanding: 4. Case Study: The New Age Religion of Eckankar

Criticism of the New Age: Ridiculous Practices, Daft Beliefs and Pseudoscience: 1. An Introduction to the New Age

Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion

Spiritualism: 2. Denominations

The Mystical Number 7: 4. Theosophy - The 7 Root Races, Each With 7 Sub Races

Modern Paganism (Neopaganism): 3.2. The New Age

Counter-Cultural and Alternative New Religious Movements: 0.1. The New Age

Human Religions

What are 'Left Hand Path' Religions?

Cultural Religion Versus Scholarly Religion: 1.3. What Seems New is Often Old Practices in a New Context

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):

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