Pages Tagged with #special_numbers

Main page:

Institutionalized Religions Have Their Numbers Inflated by National Polls

Human Truth Foundation pages (9):

The Mystical Number 7, in the following sections:

The Foundations of Islam in Paganism: 3. The Hajj and the Pagan Number Seven

The 12 Disciples: The Christian Take on Ancient Astrology: 1. The Number Twelve in Ancient Religion

Jainism: 4.4. The Tirthankaras and the Solar Mythology of the Number 12

The Book of Revelation: 3. The Symbolism of the Number 7 in the Book of Revelation

Melakhim (1st half) / 1 Kings / 3 Kingdoms: 1. The Number Twelve in 1 Kings

Book of Judges (Shofetim): 2. Were There Twelve Judges?

The Divine Number 12: 12 Gods, 12 Disciples, 12 Tribes and the Zodiac

Jesus Did Not Exist: 2.6. Jesus and Other God-Men are Personifications of the Sun