Main page:
Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil)Human Truth Foundation pages (22):
Human Rights and Freedom in Brazil, in the following sections:
Brazil and the Environment, in the following sections:
Religion and Abolition of the Historical Slave Trade, in the following sections:
Humanity is the Cause of the Earth's Current Sixth Mass Extinction Event, in the following sections:
Congo, DR (Democratic Republic of the Congo): 6. Congo, DR's Responsibility Towards The Environment
What Causes Religion and Superstitions?: 2.4. The Performing of Social Functions
Angola (Republic of Angola): 6. Angola's Responsibility Towards The Environment
Argentina (Argentine Republic): 1. Overview
Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam: 3. Christianity
Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde): 1. Overview
Guatemala (Republic of Guatemala): 10. Economic Inequality and Poverty
Panama (Republic of Panama): 10. Economic Inequality and Poverty
Creationism and Intelligent Design: Christian Fundamentalism: 1. Introduction
Christianity and Homosexuality: A Very Unhappy Story: 2. Censorship and Blasphemy
Human Rights and Freedom in Colombia: 4.2. LGBT Equality