The Human Truth Foundation

Unification Church (the Moonies)

By Vexen Crabtree 2017

#atheism #christianity #monotheism #polytheism #south_korea #unification_church

Unification Church
Links: Pages on Unification Church, Other Religions
God(s)Atheist / Monotheist / Polytheist / Other
Adherentadherent of Unification Church
Adherentsadherents of Unification Church
TextsThe Bible and The Exposition of the Divine Principle
AfterlifeHeaven or hell
Area of OriginSouth Korea
FounderBy Sun Myung Moon
Numbers in the UK (Census results)
2001 2522011 452

"Founded in 1954 by the Korean businessman Sun Myung Moon, known as the Reverend Moon to his followers, this church claims that God has constantly sought to create the perfect family but has been thwarted by Satan. The core book is Moon's The Divine Principle"1.