The Human Truth Foundation

Pages Tagged with #religion_sex

Main page:

The Peacock vs. the Ostrich - Religious Behaviour and Sexuality

Human Truth Foundation pages (19):

Organized Coverups of Sexual Child Abuse by Priests, Clergy and Christian Institutions, in the following sections:

Hot Topics in Human Sexuality, in the following sections:

Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings, in the following sections:

Abortion, Birth Control and Contraception, in the following sections:

Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much, in the following sections:

Islam and Women: 12.1. Religion Versus Womankind

The Population of the Earth: 1.4. Birth Control

Religion Versus Womankind

Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide: 3. Sex Crimes

Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action: Biblical Morals and Social Disaster: 7. Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

Scientology and Dianetics: 5. Homosexuality

Christianity and Marriage: 3. Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings

Christianity and Women: Biblical Misogyny and Male Dominance: 5. Not Just Christianity: The Unhappy Role of Women in Religion in General

Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion Based on Witchcraft: 3.4. Feminism

Women as Possessions and Objects of Beauty in the Bible

Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance: 9.2. Religion Versus Womankind

Gender Equality: 5. Religion Versus Womankind

Religion and Population Growth: 3. Birth Control

Modern Paganism (Neopaganism): 5.1. Gender Equality and Feminism

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):

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