The Human Truth Foundation

Pages Tagged with #marriage

Main page:

Marriage: Its Diversity and Character

Human Truth Foundation pages (19):

Incest in the Bible: Adam and Eve and Their Children, and Noah and His Family, in the following sections:

Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy), in the following sections:

Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance, in the following sections:

Christianity and Marriage, in the following sections:

The Islamic Rejection of Human Rights and the Moral Failures of the Muslim World, in the following sections:

  • 6.1. Marriage
  • 6.3. Forced Marriages

Legislation and Faith: Religious Rights and Religious Wrongs: 7.4. Fetching Marriages and Muslim European Immigration

Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger: 6.1. Fetching Marriages: A Strategy of Immigration

Human Sexuality: Polyamory: Multiple Loving, Caring Relationships: 6.1. Marriage

Fundamentalist Judaism and Jewish Terrorism: 3.2. Marriage Rules Against Marrying Outsiders

Islam and Women: 5. Marriage

Christianity and Women: Biblical Misogyny and Male Dominance: 4.2. Christian Divorce Rates, Marital Problems and Wifebeating

The True Meaning of Christmas: Paganism, Sun Worship and Commercialism: 4.1. Statistics on Church Christmas Attendance in England and Wales

Noah, the Ark and the Flood, from the Bible Book of Genesis: 7.1. Incest After the Flood

Zoroastrianism: 1. Calendar (2023)

Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings: 2. Christianity and Marriage

Organized Judaism and Women: The Source of Prejudice in the Jewish Scriptures/Old Testament: 2.2. Dogmas About Marrying Outsiders

The Historical Slave Trade and Modern Slavery: 5.3. Forced Marriages

Christianity in the UK: The Newest Minority Religion: 1.7.1. Easter, Christmas and Marriage

Lot and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: In Genesis 18 and 19: 3.2. Incest is Condemned in the Bible (Well, most the time)