The Human Truth Foundation

Pages Tagged with #blasphemy

Human Truth Foundation pages (10):

Human Rights and Freedom in India, in the following sections:

Religion in Pakistan: 4. Blasphemy

Religion in India: 2. Freedom of Religion and Belief

Freedom of Expression, in the following sections:

Blasphemy Laws in the UK, in the following sections:

Malta (Republic of Malta)

Free Speech and Defamation of Religion, in the following sections:

  • Free Speech and Defamation of Religion: 1. Free Speech Versus Blasphemy Laws
  • Top of page / intro

Why Question Beliefs? Dangers of Placing Ideas Beyond Doubt, and Advantages of Freethought: 1.6. Confronting Taboos and Blasphemy

The Qur'an is Incomplete and Untrustworthy: 2.1. Were the 3 Meccan Pagan Gods Valid?

Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam: 4.3. Case Study: Pakistan

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (2):

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